Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
阿不來提.阿不都熱西提 阿不来提.阿不都热西提 Ā lái Ā dū rè Abdulaidi Amudurexiti (chairman of Xinjiang autonomous region)
阿瓦提 Ā (N) Awati (place in Xinjiang)
安提瓜島 安提瓜岛 Ān guā dǎo Antigua
安提瓜和巴布達 安提瓜和巴布达 Ān guā Antigua and Barbuda
大提琴 qín cello
大提琴手 qín shǒu cellist
戴尼提 Dài Dianetics
carry (suspended)
服務提供者 服务提供者 gōng zhě service provider
服務提供商 服务提供商 gòng shāng (Internet) service provider
富納富提 富纳富提 Funafuti (capital of Tuvalu)
吉布提 Djibouti
擠提 挤提 bank run
庫裡提巴 库里提巴 Curitiba (city in Brazil)
馬提尼克 马提尼克 Martinique (French Caribbean island)
麥蓋提 麦盖提 Mài (N) Maigaiti (place in Xinjiang)
帕提農神廟 帕提农神庙 nóng shén miào Parthenon
菩提 Bodhi
菩提樹 菩提树 shù sacred fig
普羅提諾 普罗提诺 luó nuò Plotinus (Neoplatonism philosopher)
前提 qián premise
前提條件 前提条件 qián tiáo jiàn pre-conditions
薩爾馬提亞人 萨尔马提亚人 ěr rén Sarmatians
塞提夫 Sāi Sétif
手提 shǒu portable
手提包 shǒu bāo (hand)bag; hold-all
手提箱 shǒu xiāng suitcase
to carry; to lift; to put forward; (upwards character stroke); lifting (brush stroke in painting); to mention
提案 àn proposal; motion (to be debated); propose a bill; make a proposal
提拔 to promote to a higher job; give a promotion
提包 bāo handbag; bag; valise
提倡 chàng to promote; to advocate
提出 chū to raise (an issue); to propose; to put forward; to post (Usenet)
提出異議 提出异议 chū (vi) remonstrate
提單 提单 dān bill of lading
提到 dào mention
提堤俄斯 é Tityos
提多書 提多书 duō shū Titus
提綱 提纲 gāng outline
提高 gāo raise; increase
提格拉特帕拉沙爾三世 提格拉特帕拉沙尔三世 shā ěr Sān shì Tiglath-pileser III
提供 gōng to supply; to provide; to furnish
提供商 gōng shāng provider (company)
提供者 gōng zhě supplier; provider
提貨單 提货单 huò dān bill of lading
提及 mention
提交 jiāo submit (a report, etc); refer (a problem) to
提克裡特 提克里特 Tikrit
提理安 ān Tirion
提煉 提炼 liàn to extract (ore, minerals, etc); to refine; to purify; to process
提名 míng nominate
提摩太后書 提摩太后书 tài hòu shū 2 Timothy
提摩太前書 提摩太前书 tài qián shū 1 Timothy
提前 qián to shift to an earlier date; to bring forward; to advance
提前起爆 qián bào "fizzle" (atomic bomb misfire); preinitiation
提前投票 qián tóu piào early vote
提琴 qín violin family
提取 (v) extract; refine; (v) withdraw from a bank or storage location; pick up
提昇 提升 shēng to promote; to upgrade
提示 shì (v) point out; call attention to
提通階 提通阶 tōng jiē Tithonian
提問 提问 wèn put questions to; quiz
提心吊膽 提心吊胆 xīn diào dǎn (saying) to be very scared and on edge
提醒 xǐng remind; call attention to; warn of
提亞雷特 提亚雷特 léi Tiaret
提要 yào (n) summary; abstract
提議 提议 proposal; suggestion; to propose; to suggest
提早 zǎo (v) be earlier than expected
未提及 wèi not mentioned
小提琴 xiǎo qín fiddle; violin
因特網提供商 因特网提供商 yīn wǎng gòng shāng Internet service provider; ISP

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