Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
被沒收 被没收 bèi shōu forfeit
不可收拾 shōu shí irremediable; unmanageable; out of hand; hopeless
採收率 采收率 cǎi shōu recovery ratio
豐收 丰收 fēng shōu bumper harvest
光接收器 guāng jiē shōu optical receiver
國民收入 国民收入 guó mín shōu measures of national income and output
回收 huí shōu (v) recover and put back to use; recycle
接收 jiē shōu to receive; to accept
接收器 jiē shōu receiver
接收器靈敏度 接收器灵敏度 jiē shōu líng mǐn receiver sensitivity
沒收 没收 shōu confiscate
秋收 qiū shōu (v) reap the fall harvest
秋收起義 秋收起义 Qiū shōu Autumn Harvest Uprising
shōu to receive; to accept; to collect; in care of (used on address line after name)
收藏 shōu cáng keep; collect
收場 收场 shōu cháng end; winding down
收成 shōu cheng harvest
收到 shōu dào receive
收費 收费 shōu fèi fee; charge
收復 收复 shōu recover (lost territory, etc.); recapture
收復街道運動 收复街道运动 Shōu jiē dào Yùn dòng Reclaim the Streets
收復失地運動 收复失地运动 shōu shī Yùn dòng reconquista
收割 shōu reap
收割者 shōu zhě reaper
收購 收购 shōu gòu (v) purchase from various places
收回 shōu huí to regain; to retake; to take back; to withdraw; to revoke
收獲 收获 shōu huò benefit, reward
收穫 收获 shōu huò acquisition
收集 shōu to gather; to collect
收件箱 shōu jiàn xiāng inbox
收據 收据 shōu receipt
收留所 shōu liú suǒ barrack
收買 收买 shōu mǎi (v) purchase; (v) bribe
收盤 收盘 shōu pán market close
收入 shōu to take in; income; revenue
收視率 收视率 shōu shì Nielsen Ratings
收拾 shōu shi to put in order; to tidy up
收縮 收缩 shōu suō pull back; shrink; contract
收聽 收听 shōu tīng to listen (to); to listen (in)
收養 收养 shōu yǎng adopt; adoption
收益 shōu earnings; profit
收音機 收音机 shōu yīn radio
收銀 收银 shōu yín cash out
收銀機 收银机 shōu yín cash register
收支 shōu zhī (n) financial cash flow balance; income and expense
收支相抵 shōu zhī xiāng (n) break-even
稅收 税收 shuì shōu taxation
無線電接收機 无线电接收机 xiàn diàn jiē shōu receiver (radio)
吸收 shōu absorb; assimilate
吸收劑量 吸收剂量 shōu liáng absorbed dose
驗收 验收 yàn shōu (v) inspect and then accept (i.e. received goods)
營收 营收 yíng shōu sales; income; revenue
應收帳款 应收帐款 yìng shōu zhàng kuǎn accounts receivable
招收 zhāo shōu hire; recruit
照單全收 照单全收 zhào dān quán shōu (phr) accept without question
征收 zhēng shōu levy (fine); impose (tariff)
徵收 zhēng shōu levy

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