Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
阿累尼烏斯方程 阿累尼乌斯方程 Ā lèi fāng chéng Arrhenius equation
澳洲南方龍 澳洲南方龙 ào zhōu nán fāng lóng Austrosaurus
八方 fāng the eight points of the compass; all directions
半官方 bàn guān fāng semi-official
北方 běi fāng north; the northern part a country; China north of the Yellow River
北方邦 Běi fāng bāng Uttar Pradesh (state in India)
比方 fang analogy; instance
比方說 比方说 fang shuō to make an analogy...
伯努利微分方程 wēi fēn fāng chéng Bernoulli differential equation
不方便 fāng biàn inconvenience; inconvenient
布隆方丹 lóng fāng dān Bloemfontein
長方體 长方体 cháng fāng cuboid
長方形 长方形 cháng fāng xíng rectangle
常微分方程 cháng wēi fēn fāng chéng ordinary differential equation (ODE)
陳方安生 陈方安生 Chén fāng Ān shēng Anson Chan
處方 处方 chǔ fāng (n) medical prescription
大方 fāng generous
丹方 dān fāng folk remedy
單方面 单方面 dān fāng miàn unilateral
敵方 敌方 fāng enemy
地方法院 fāng yuàn (n) county court; district court
地方官職位 地方官职位 fāng guān zhí wèi prefecture
地方性 fāng xìng local
地方性斑疹傷寒 地方性斑疹伤寒 fāng xìng bān zhěn shāng hán murine typhus fever
地方政府 fāng zhèng local government
地方志 fāng zhì chorography
地方主義 地方主义 fāng zhǔ "local -ism"; attitude of favoring your local region
地方自治 fāng zhì (n) home rule
地方 fang area; place; local
地方停車 地方停车 fang tíng chē parking place
第三方 sān fāng third party
東北方 东北方 dōng běi fāng northeast; northeastern
東方 东方 dōng fāng the East; Eastern countries
東方白鸛 东方白鹳 Dōng fāng bái guàn Oriental Stork
東方紅 东方红 dōng fāng hóng Dongfanghong; "The East is red"
東方基金會會址 东方基金会会址 Dōng fāng jīn huì huì zhǐ Casa Garden
東方快車謀殺案 东方快车谋杀案 Dōng fāng Kuài chē Móu shā àn Murder on the Orient Express
東方黎族自治縣 东方黎族自治县 Dōng fāng zhì xiàn (N) Dongfang Lizu autonomous county (county in Hainan)
東方馬腦炎病毒 东方马脑炎病毒 dōng fāng nǎo yán bìng eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus
東方日報 东方日报 Dōng fāng bào Oriental Daily News
東西方 东西方 dōng fāng East-West
對方 对方 duì fāng counterpart; other person involved; opposite side; other side; receiving party
多方 duō fāng in many ways
多方面 duō fāng miàn many-sided; in many aspects
多項式方程 多项式方程 duō xiàng shì fāng chéng (math.) polynomial equation
多項式方程組 多项式方程组 duō xiàng shì fāng chéng (math.) system of polynomial equations
二次方程 èr fāng chéng quadratic equation
fāng square; quadrilateral; direction; just
方案 fāng àn plan; program (for action, etc); proposal; proposed bill
方便 fāng biàn convenient
方差 fāng chā (statistics) variance
方差分析 fāng chā fēn analysis of variance
方城 Fāng chéng (N) Fangcheng (place in Henan)
方程 fāng chéng (n) mathematical equation
方程式 fāng chéng shì equation
方程式編輯器 方程式编辑器 fāng chéng shì biān equation editor
方程組 方程组 fāng chéng (math.) simultaneous equations; system of equations
方法 fāng method; way; means
方法論 方法论 fāng lùn (n) methodology; Discourse on the Method (by Descartes)
方法學 方法学 fāng xué methodology
方解石 fāng jiě shí calcite
方臘 方腊 Fāng Fang La
方面 fāng miàn respect; aspect; field; side
方鉛礦 方铅矿 fāng qiān kuàng galena
方山 Fāng shān (N) Fangshan (place in Shanxi)
方式 fāng shì way (of life); pattern; style; mode; manner
方位 fāng wèi (n) azimuth; position; bearing; points of the compass
方位角 fāng wèi jiǎo azimuth
方向 fāng xiàng direction; orientation; path to follow
方向性 fāng xiàng xìng directionality (molecular biology)
方興未艾 方兴未艾 fāng xīng wèi ài to be unfolding
方言 fāng yán dialect
方圓 方圆 fāng yuán (n) circumference
方針 方针 fāng zhēn policy; guidelines
方正 fāng zhèng (adj) upright; foursquare; (N) Fangzheng (place in Heilongjiang)
方舟 fāng zhōu ark
訪問方式 访问方式 fǎng wèn fāng shì access method
非官方 fēi guān fāng unofficial
官方 guān fāng official; (by the) government
官方語言 官方语言 guān fāng yán official language
後方 后方 hòu fāng (n) far back from the battle's front lines; the rear
化學方程式 化学方程式 huà xué fāng chéng shì chemical equation
積分方程 积分方程 fēn fāng chéng integral equation (math.)
警方 jǐng fāng police
軍方 军方 jūn fāng military
立方 fāng cube
立方厘米 fāng cubic centimeter
立方米 fāng cubic meter (unit of volume)
立方體 立方体 fāng cube; cubic
另一方面 lìng fāng miàn (adv) another aspect; on the other hand
買方 买方 mǎi fāng buyer (in contracts)
買方市場 买方市场 mǎi fāng shì chǎng (n) buyer's market
賣方 卖方 mài fāng seller
魔方 fāng Rubik's cube, magic cube
南方 nán fāng south; the southern part of the country; the South
南方共同市場 南方共同市场 Nán fāng gòng tóng shì chǎng Mercosur
南方周末 Nán fāng Zhōu Southern Weekend (newspaper)
配方 pèi fāng (n) prescripton; formulation
偏微分方程 piān wēi fēn fāng chéng partial differential equation (PDE)
平方 píng fāng square (as in square foot, square mile, square root)
平方根 píng fāng gēn square root
平方公裡 平方公里 píng fāng gōng square-kilometer
平方米 píng fāng square meter
平方英尺 píng fāng yīng chǐ square foot
千方百計 千方百计 qiān fāng bǎi by every possible means
前方 qián fāng ahead; the front
日方 fāng the Japanese side or party (in negotiations, etc.)
生活方式 shēng huó fāng shì (n) lifeway
使用方便 shǐ yòng fāng biàn easy to use; convenient to use
雙方 双方 shuāng fāng bilateral; both sides; both parties involved
四方 fāng four-way; four-sided
四面八方 miàn fāng in all directions; all around; far and near
微分方程 wēi fēn fāng chéng differential equation
西北方 běi fāng northwest; northwestern
西方 fāng the West; the Occident; Western countries
西方極樂世界 西方极乐世界 fāng shì jiè Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss or Sukhavati (Sanskrit)
西方馬腦炎病毒 西方马脑炎病毒 fāng nǎo yán bìng western equine encephalitis (WEE) virus
西方美術史 西方美术史 fāng měi shù shǐ Western art history
西方世界 fāng shì jiè western world
西方文化 fāng wén huà Western culture
想方設法 想方设法 xiǎng fāng shè (saying) to think of or try every possible method to do sth
協方差 协方差 xié fāng chā (statistics) covariance
藥方 药方 yào fāng prescription
一次方程 fāng chéng linear equation
一方面 fāng miàn one aspect is
遠方 远方 yuǎn fāng (n) distant location
在很多方面 zài hěn duō fāng miàn in many aspects; in many regards
在下方 zài xià fāng beneath
這種方式 这种方式 zhè zhǒng fāng shì (in) this way
正方形 zhèng fāng xíng square
執政方式 执政方式 zhí zhèng fāng shì governing method
中部地方 Zhōng fāng Chūbu region
中國北方工業公司 中国北方工业公司 Zhōng guó Běi fāng Gōng Gōng China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO)
專用地方選擇銷售稅 专用地方选择销售税 zhuān yòng fāng xuǎn xiāo shòu shuì special-purpose local-option sales tax

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