Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
阿明 Ā míng Al-Amin
埃雷德洛明 āi léi luò míng Ered Lómin
安非他明 ān fēi míng amphetamine
班雅明 Bān míng Benjamin (name)
半透明 bàn tòu míng translucent; semitransparent
本杰明 běn jié míng Benjamin (person name)
標明 标明 biāo míng mark; indicate
表明 biǎo míng make known; make clear; state clearly; indicate; known; to make clear
伯明翰 míng hàn Birmingham (Alabama)
不明 míng not clear; unknown; fail to understand
不明白 míng bái fails to realize (intuitively) what is going on
不明飛行物 不明飞行物 míng fēi xíng (n) unidentified flying object (UFO); flying saucer
不明確 不明确 míng què indefinite
不透明 tòu míng opaque
查明 chá míng (v) investigate and bring out into the open
闡明 阐明 chǎn míng clarify; explain clearly
陳志明 陈志明 Chén Zhì míng Dominic Chan
崇明 Chóng míng (N) Chongming (place in Shanghai)
崇明島 崇明岛 Chóng míng dǎo Chongming
聰明 聪明 cōng míng intelligent; bright; smart; clever
大明鼎鼎 míng dǐng dǐng a grand reputation; renowned; famous
地外文明 wài wén míng spacefaring
東明 东明 Dōng míng (N) Dongming (place in Shandong)
東明聖王 东明圣王 Dōng míng shèng wáng King Dongmyeong of Goguryeo
多爾露明 多尔露明 Duō ěr míng Dor-lómin
多明尼加共和國 多明尼加共和国 duō míng jiā gòng guó Dominican Republic
發表聲明 发表声明 biǎo shēng míng to issue a statement; to issue a declaration
發明 发明 míng to invent; invention
發明創造 发明创造 míng chuàng zào inventions
發明家 发明家 míng jiā inventor
分明 fēn míng clearly demarcated; sharply contoured
伏明霞 Míng xiá Fu Mingxia
高明 gāo míng smart; clever; wise; brilliant
光明 guāng míng bright (future); promising
光明日報 光明日报 guāng míng bào Guangming Daily
郭敬明 Guō jìng míng Guo Jingming
國際明愛 国际明爱 Guó míng ài Caritas
黑澤明 黑泽明 Hēi míng Kurosawa (Japanese directory)
胡志明 zhì míng Ho Chi Minh (Vietnamese leader, city)
胡志明市 zhì míng shì Ho Chi Minh City; Saigon
胡志明市交通運載大學 胡志明市交通运载大学 zhì míng shì Jiāo tōng Yùn zài xué Ho Chi Minh City University of Transportation
胡志明市師範大學 胡志明市师範大学 zhì míng shì Shī fàn xué Ho Chi Minh City Pedagogical University
胡志明市醫藥大學 胡志明市医药大学 zhì míng shì yào xué Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University
胡志明市銀行大學 胡志明市银行大学 zhì míng shì Yín háng xué Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City
懷俄明 怀俄明 huái é míng Wyoming (US state)
黃曉明 黄晓明 Huáng Xiǎo míng Huang Xiaoming
簡明 简明 jiǎn míng simple and clear; concise
精明 jīng míng astute; skilled
開明 开明 kāi míng enlightened; open-minded; enlightenment
昆明 kūn míng Kunming, capital of Yunnan province in south west China
昆明湖 Kūn míng Kunming Lake
昆明市 Kūn míng shì Kunming
黎明 míng dawn; daybreak
黎明殺手 黎明杀手 míng shā shǒu Killers of the Dawn
琉璃明王 Liú míng wáng Yuri of Goguryeo
míng clear; bright; to understand; next; the Ming dynasty
明白 míng bai clear; obvious; unequivocal; to understand; to realize
明報 明报 míng bào Ming Pao newspaper (Hong Kong)
明朝 Míng cháo Ming Dynasty
明代 míng dài the Ming Dynasty
明德鎮 明德镇 míng zhèn Middlebury (name of town in Vermont)
明洞聖堂 明洞圣堂 Míng dòng shèng táng Myeongdong Cathedral
明多陸安 明多陆安 Míng duō ān Mindolluin
明和 míng Meiwa
明膠 明胶 míng jiāo gelatin
明淨 明净 míng jìng bright and clean; luminous
明鏡 明镜 Míng jìng Der Spiegel
明朗 míng lǎng bright; clear; obvious; forthright; open-minded; bright and cheerful
明亮 míng liàng brightness
明膫 míng liáo manifest
明媚 míng mèi bright and beautiful
明明 míng míng obviously; plainly; undoubtedly
明目張膽 明目张胆 míng zhāng dǎn frank and unscrupulous
明尼蘇達 明尼苏达 Míng Minnesota
明尼蘇達州 明尼苏达州 Míng zhōu Minnesota
明年 míng nián next year
明確 明确 míng què clear-cut; definite; make clear; clear
明仁 Míng rén Akihito (emporer of Japan)
明日 míng tomorrow
明水 Míng shuǐ (N) Mingshui (place in Heilongjiang)
明斯克 míng Minsk (capital of Belarus)
明天 míng tiān tomorrow
明文 míng wén (laws, rules, etc) state in writing
明文規定 明文规定 míng wén guī dìng expressly stipulated (in writing)
明晰 míng (n) clarity
明溪 Míng (N) Mingxi (place in Fujian)
明顯 明显 míng xiǎn clear; distinct; obvious
明顯的句法線索 明显的句法线索 míng xiǎn de xiàn suǒ explicit syntactic cue
明信片 míng xìn piàn postcard
明星 míng xīng star; celebrity
明言 míng yán pronounced
明應 明应 Míng yīng Meio
明智 míng zhì sensible; wise; judicious; sagacious
明治 Míng zhì Meiji Period
明治維新 明治维新 Míng zhì wéi xīn Meiji Restoration
寧明 宁明 Níng míng (N) Ningming (place in Guangxi)
判明 pàn míng to distinguish; to ascertain
彭明敏 Péng míng mǐn Peng Ming-min
清明 Qīng míng Qingming
清明節 清明节 Qīng míng jié Bhuddhist BON-Festival (beginning of April in China, September in Japan); 3 day long celebration for the dead; (sometimes O-BON)
秋明 Qiū míng Tyumen
全明星賽 全明星赛 quán míng xīng sài all-star game
三明 Sān míng (N) Sanming (city in Fujian)
三明治 sān míng zhì sandwich
聲明 声明 shēng míng statement; declaration
聲明書 声明书 shēng míng shū statement
聖多明哥 圣多明哥 shèng duō míng Santo Domingo (capital of Dominican Republic)
失明 shī míng to become blind; blindness
說明 说明 shuō míng to explain; to illustrate; explanation; directions; caption
說明會 说明会 shuō míng huì information meeting
說明書 说明书 shuō míng shū (technical) manual; (book of) directions; synopsis (of a play or film)
嵩明 Sōng míng (N) Songming (place in Yunnan)
唐明治 Táng Míng zhì Michael David Thomas
天明 tiān míng dawn, early morning (lit., when the sky gets bright)
透明 tòu míng transparent; open (non-secretive)
透明程度 tòu míng chéng transparency
透明度 tòu míng transparency; (policy of) openness
圖解說明 图解说明 jiě shuō míng illustrate
王明 Wáng Míng Wang Ming
微明 wēi míng twilight
魏道明 Wèi dào míng Wey Daw-ming
溫查文明 温查文明 Wēn chá wén míng Vinča culture
文明 wén míng civilized; civilization; culture
文明化 wén míng huà civilize
下落不明 xià luò míng unaccounted; unknown whereabouts
先見之明 先见之明 xiān jiàn zhī míng foresight
鮮明 鲜明 xiān míng bright; clear-cut; distinct
顯明 显明 xiǎn míng to reveal, make known
香港足球明星選舉 香港足球明星选举 Xiāng Gǎng qiú míng xīng xuǎn Hong Kong Footballer Awards
言明 yán míng state explicitly
陽明海運 阳明海运 Yáng míng hǎi yùn Yang Ming
姚明 Yáo Míng Yao Ming (Chinese NBA star player)
英明 yīng míng wise; brilliant
圓明園 圆明园 Yuán míng yuán Old Summer Palace
張華明 张华明 Zhāng Huá míng Zhang Huaming (person name)
招股說明書 招股说明书 zhāo shuō míng shū prospectus
照明 zhào míng (n) the illumination supplied by lights; lighting
證明 证明 zhèng míng proof; testimony; prove; confirm the truth of
證明書 证明书 zhèng míng shū certificate
指明 zhǐ míng (v) clearly show; explain clearly

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