Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
阿不來提.阿不都熱西提 阿不来提.阿不都热西提 Ā lái Ā dū rè Abdulaidi Amudurexiti (chairman of Xinjiang autonomous region)
本來 本来 běn lái original; originally; at first; it goes without saying; of course
本來面目 本来面目 běn lái miàn true colors; true features
博來黴素 博来黴素 lái méi bleomycin
薄熙來 薄熙来 lái Bo Xilai
不來梅 不来梅 lái méi Bremen (city)
長期以來 长期以来 cháng lái ever since a long time ago
吃不來 吃不来 chī bu lái not be fond of certain food
出來 出来 chū lai to come out; to emerge
喘不過氣來 喘不过气来 chuǎn guò lái cannot breathe
從來 从来 cóng lái always; at all times; never (if used in negative sentence)
從來不 从来不 cóng lái never
從來沒有 从来没有 cóng lái méi yǒu have never; never before
從外表來看 从外表来看 cóng wài biǎo lái kàn looking from the outside; seen from the outside
帶來 带来 dài lái to bring; to bring about; to produce
到來 到来 dào lái arrival; advent
顛倒過來 颠倒过来 diān dǎo guò lái invert
讀者來信 读者来信 zhě lái xìn Reader's Letters
多年來 多年来 duō nián lái for the past many years
多年以來 多年以来 duō nián lái for many years (in the past)
反過來說 反过来说 fǎn guò lái shuō on the other hand
古來 古来 lái old-time
過來 过来 guò lái to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of
過來 过来 guò lai to come over; to come up
後來 后来 hòu lái afterwards; later
呼來喝去 呼来喝去 lái (phr) yell
胡來 胡来 lái (v) make a complete hash of things; cause trouble
懷來 怀来 Huái lái (N) Huailai (place in Hebei)
懷來縣 怀来县 Huái lái xiàn Huailai County
回來 回来 huí lai return; come back
惠來 惠来 Huì lái (N) Huilai (place in Guangdong)
即將來臨 即将来临 jiāng lái lín imminent
幾年來 几年来 nián lái for the past several years
幾天來 几天来 tiān lái for the past few days
將來 将来 jiāng lái (the) future
近來 近来 jìn lái recently; lately
進來 进来 jìn lái (v) come in
近年來 近年来 jìn nián lái for the past few years
舉例來說 举例来说 lái shuō for example
卷土重來 卷土重来 juàn chóng lái comeback
看來 看来 kàn lai apparently; it seems that; it appears; it seems
看起來 看起来 kàn lái (idiom) looks as if (based on what is known so far)
lái to come
來安 来安 Lái ān (N) Lai'an (place in Anhui)
來賓 来宾 lái bīn guest; visitor
來不及 来不及 lái bu there's not enough time (to do sth.); it's too late (to do sth.)
來到 来到 lái dào to come; to arrive
來得及 来得及 lái de there's still time; be able to do sth. in time
來訪 来访 lái fǎng pay a visit
來鳳 来凤 Lái fèng (N) Laifeng (place in Hubei)
來弗歐克縣 来弗欧克县 Lái ōu xiàn Live Oak County, Texas
來福槍 来福枪 lái qiāng rifle
來回 来回 lái huí make a round trip; make a return journey
來回來去 来回来去 lái huí lái (adv) repeatedly
來回來去地 来回来去地 lái huí lái de backwards and forwards
來看 来看 lái kàn (v) interpret a topic from a certain point of view
來客 来客 lái (n) guest
來歷 来历 lái history; antecedents; origin
來臨 来临 lái lín approach; come closer
來年 来年 lái nián next year; the coming year
來說 来说 lái shuō (v) interpret a topic from a certain point of view
來往 来往 lái wǎng to come and go
來信 来信 lái xìn incoming letter; send a letter here
來義鄉 来义乡 Lái xiāng (N) Laii (village in Taiwan)
來源 来源 lái yuán source (of information, etc); origin
來著 来着 lái zhe (an auxiliary showing sth. happened in the past)
來自 来自 lái to come from (a place)
來自天外 来自天外 Lái tiān wài Butsu Zone
歷來 历来 lái always; throughout (a period of time); (of) all-time
歷來最低點 历来最低点 lái zuì diǎn all time low (point)
馬來 马来 lái Malay
馬來人 马来人 lái rén Malaysian person or people
馬來文 马来文 lái wén Malaysian (language)
馬來西亞 马来西亚 lái Malaysia
馬來西亞語 马来西亚语 lái Malaysian (language)
馬來亞 马来亚 lái Malaya
馬來語 马来语 lái Malaysian language
南卡羅來納州 南卡罗来纳州 Nán luó lái zhōu South Carolina
逆來順受 逆来顺受 lái shùn shòu to submit meekly to insults, maltreatment, etc; to resign oneself to adversity
年來 年来 nián lái over the last ... years
年以來 年以来 nián lái since the year ...
拼起來 拼起来 pīn qi lai to put together
起來 起来 lai beginning or continuing an action; upward movement; stand up
如來 如来 lái Tathagata (Buddhist term)
三十年來 三十年来 sān shí nián lái for the past thirty years
上來 上来 shàng lái (v) come up; (v) approach; used after verb to indicate success
說不出話來 说不出话来 shuō chū huà lái speechless
素來 素来 lái (adv) usually
泰來 泰来 Tài lái (N) Tailai (place in Heilongjiang)
談得來 谈得来 tán lái able to talk to or get on with; get along with
推來推去 推来推去 tuī lái tuī (idiom) to rudely push and pull others; (idiom) to evade responibility and push it to others
外來 外来 wài lái external; foreign; outside
外來投資 外来投资 wài lái tóu zi foreign investment
往來 往来 wǎng lái dealings; contacts; to go back and forth
未來 未来 wèi lái future; tomorrow; approaching; coming; pending
未來學 未来学 wèi lái xué future studies
烏來鄉 乌来乡 lái xiāng (N) Wulai (village in Taiwan)
希伯來書 希伯来书 lái shū Hebrews
希伯來語 希伯来语 lái Hebrew (language)
下來 下来 xia lai (verb suffix indicating continuation, etc.)
仙客來 仙客来 xiān lái cyclamen
向來 向来 xiàng lái always; all along
心血來潮 心血来潮 xīn xuè lái cháo to be prompted by a sudden impulse; carried away by a whim; have a brainstorm
醒來 醒来 xǐng lái waken
尋來範疇 寻来范畴 xún lái fàn chóu (math.) derived category
夜來香 夜来香 lái xiāng Cestrum nocturnum
依我來看 依我来看 lái kàn as I see it; in my opinion
以來 以来 lái since (a previous event)
一般來說 一般来说 bān lái shuō generally speaking
由來 由来 yóu lái origin
有生以來 有生以来 yǒu shēng lái since birth; for one's whole life
有史以來 有史以来 yǒu shǐ lái since the beginning of history
又來了 又来了 yòu lái le Here we go again
原來 原来 yuán lái original; former; originally; formerly; at first
越來越 越来越 yuè lái yuè more and more
越來越多 越来越多 yuè lái yuè duō more and more
越來越嚴重 越来越严重 yuè lái yuè yán zhòng to become more serious every day
在未來 在未来 zài wèi lái in the future
這樣一來 这样一来 zhè yàng lái if this happens then
周恩來 周恩来 zhōu ēn lái Zhou Enlai
主要來源 主要来源 zhǔ yào lái yuán principle source; main source
轉來轉去 转来转去 zhuǎn lái zhuǎn rove around
自來水 自来水 lái shuǐ running water; tap water
自來水管 自来水管 lái shuǐ guǎn (n) service pipe
總的來說 总的来说 zǒng de lái shuō generally speaking; to sum up; in summary; in short

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