Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
案板 àn bǎn kneading or chopping board
凹板 āo bǎn intaglio; gravure
白板 bái bǎn whiteboard
bǎn board; plank; plate; slab
bǎn boss
板板六十四 bǎn bǎn liù shí unaccommodating; rigid
板壁 bǎn wooden partition
板擦兒 板擦儿 bǎn ér blackboard eraser
板凳 bǎn dèng wooden bench or stool
板斧 bǎn broad axe
板鼓 bǎn a small drum for marking time
板規 板规 bǎn guī plate gauge
板胡 bǎn a bowed stringed instrument with a thin wooden soundboard
板結 板结 bǎn jié harden
板塊 板块 bǎn kuài tectonic plate; continental plate
板塊構造 板块构造 bǎn kuài gòu zao plate tectonics
板栗 bǎn Chinese chestnut
板梁橋 板梁桥 bǎn liáng qiáo plate girder bridge
板門店 板门店 Bǎn mén diàn Panmunjeom
板門店停戰村 板门店停战村 bǎn mén diàn tíng zhàn cūn Panmunjom Truce Village (between North and South Korea)
板皮 bǎn slab
板橋 板桥 Bǎn qiáo (N) Panchiao (city in Taiwan)
板球 bǎn qiú cricket
板上釘釘 板上钉钉 bǎn shàng dīng dīng that clinches it; that's final; no two ways about it
板書 板书 bǎn shū writing on the blackboard
板刷 bǎn shuā scrubbing brush
板條 板条 bǎn tiáo lath
板條箱 板条箱 bǎn tiáo xiāng crate
板鴨 板鸭 bǎn pressed (dried) salted duck
板牙 bǎn front tooth; incisor; molar; screw die; threading die
板煙 板烟 bǎn yān plug (of tobacco)
板岩 bǎn yán slate
板眼 bǎn yǎn measure in traditional Chinese music; orderliness
板油 bǎn yóu leaf fat; leaf lard
板羽球 bǎn qiú battledore and shuttlecock; shuttlecock
板紙 板纸 bǎn zhǐ paperboard; board
板滯 板滞 bǎn zhì stiff; dull
板樁 板桩 bǎn zhuāng sheet pile
板子 bǎn zi board; plank; bamboo or birch for corporal punishment
薄板 báo bǎn (n) lamella; lamina
呆板 dāi bǎn inflexible
單板滑雪 单板滑雪 dān bǎn huá xuě snowboarding
單板機 单板机 dān bǎn single-board computer
地板 bǎn floor
鋼板 钢板 gāng bǎn (n) armor plate
擱板 搁板 bǎn shelf
黑板 hēi bǎn blackboard
滑板 huá bǎn skateboard
滑雪板 huá xuě bǎn snowboard
基板 bǎn substrate
甲板 jiǎ bǎn deck (of a boat, etc.)
膠合板 胶合板 jiāo bǎn (n) plywood
金屬板 金属板 jīn shǔ bǎn metal plate
籃板 篮板 lán bǎn backboard
籃板球 篮板球 lán bǎn qiú rebound
老闆 老板 lǎo bǎn boss; business proprietor
模板 bǎn template
母板 bǎn motherboard
木板 bǎn slab; board; plank
平板 píng bǎn tablet; flat
七巧板 qiǎo bǎn tangram
蹺蹺板 跷跷板 qiāo qiāo bǎn seesaw
石板 shí bǎn slab; flagstone; slate
書板 书板 shū bǎn (writing) tablet
死板 bǎn rigid; inflexible
天花板 tiān huā bǎn ceiling
條板箱 条板箱 tiáo bǎn xiāng crate
鐵板 铁板 tiě bǎn iron panel
血小板 xuè xiǎo bǎn blood platelet
樣板戲 样板戏 yàng bǎn eight model plays
主板 zhǔ bǎn motherboard (computer) (lit. lord board)
主機板 主机板 zhǔ bǎn motherboard

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