Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
白云母 bái yún muscovite; white mica
貝母 贝母 bèi the bulb of the fritillary (Fritillaria thunbergii)
鼻韻母 鼻韵母 yùn (of Chinese pronunciation) a vowel followed by a nasal consonant
伯母 wife of father's elder brother; aunt; (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother)
伯叔祖母 shū father's father's brother's wife; great aunt
單韻母 单韵母 dān yùn simple finals
分母 fēn (n) denominator
父母 father and mother; parents
父母親 父母亲 qīn parent
複韻母 复韵母 yùn compound final
高祖母 gāo great great grandmother
姑母 father's sister; paternal aunt
航空母艦 航空母舰 háng kōng jiàn aircraft carrier
核動力航空母艦 核动力航空母舰 dòng háng kōng jiàn nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
後母 后母 hòu stepmother
繼母 继母 step mother
教母 jiào godmother
酵母 jiào leaven; yeast
酵母醇 jiào chún zymosterol
酵母菌 jiào jūn yeast; mould; mold
金剛亥母 金刚亥母 Jīn gāng hài Vajrayogini
舅母 jiù mother's brother's wife; maternal uncle's wife
拉丁字母 dīng Latin alphabet
戀母情結 恋母情结 liàn qíng jié Oedipus complex
羅馬字母 罗马字母 luó Roman letters; Roman alphabet
玫瑰聖母主教座堂 玫瑰圣母主教座堂 Méi guī Shèng zhǔ jiào zuò táng Holy Rosary Cathedral
female; mother
母板 bǎn motherboard
母船 chuán mother ship
母狗 gǒu bitch
母雞 母鸡 hen
母馬 母马 mare
母牛 niú cow
母親 母亲 qīn mother (formal)
母親節 母亲节 qīn jié Mother's Day
母係 母系 maternal
母系社會 母系社会 shè huì matrilineality
母校 xiào alma mater
母羊 yáng ewe
母音 yīn vowel
母語 母语 native language; mother language
母子垂直感染 chuí zhí gǎn rǎn mother-to-infant transmission
撒母耳記上 撒母耳记上 ěr shàng 1 Samuel
撒母耳記下 撒母耳记下 ěr xià 2 Samuel
嬸母 婶母 shěn father's younger brother's wife; aunt
聲母 声母 shēng initial consonant (of a Chinese syllable); initial
聖母瑪利亞 圣母玛利亚 Shèng Mary (mother of Jesus)
失敗是成功之母 失败是成功之母 shī bài shì chéng gōng zhī "Failure is the mother of success" (proverb)
師母 shī term of respect for your teacher's wife
叔丈母 shū zhàng wife's aunt
水母 shuǐ jellyfish
外祖母 wài mother's mother; maternal grandmother
我外母唔係人 我外母唔系人 wài rén Heavenly In-Laws
希臘字母 希腊字母 Greek alphabet
西裡爾字母 西里尔字母 ěr Cyrillic alphabet; Cyrillic letters
西王母 wáng name of a goddess
小寫字母 小写字母 xiǎo xiě lowercase (letters)
養母 养母 yǎng foster, adopted mother
姨母 mother's sister; maternal aunt
岳母 yuè wife's mother, mother-in-law
雲母 云母 yún mica
韻母 韵母 yùn vowel; final sound; rhyme-indicating character; rhyme; phoneme
早期西裡爾字母 早期西里尔字母 zǎo ěr early Cyrillic alphabet
曾祖母 zēng father's father's mother; paternal great grandmother
字母 letter (of the alphabet)
字母順序概率 字母顺序概率 shùn gài probability of letter sequences
祖姑母 father's father's sister; great aunt
祖母 father's mother; paternal grandmother
祖母暴龍 祖母暴龙 bào lóng Aviatyrannis

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