Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
暗流 àn liú undercurrent
半流體 半流体 bàn liú semi-fluid
北流 Běi liú (N) Beiliu (city in Guangxi)
奔流 bēn liú flow at great speed; pour; racing current
本格拉寒流 Běn hán liú Benguela Current
變流器 变流器 biàn liú converter
標準作業流程 标准作业流程 biāo zhǔn zuò liú chéng standing operating procedure
不穩定氣流 不稳定气流 wěn dìng liú turbulent
才外流 cái wài liú brain drain
層流 层流 céng liú laminar flow
潮流 cháo liú tide; current; trend
川流不息 chuān liú (saying) the stream flows without stopping; the flow of an endless stream
大氣環流 大气环流 huán liú atmospheric circulation
代數流行 代数流行 dài shù liú xíng (math.) manifold
滴流 liú trickle
第一流 liú first-class
電流 电流 diàn liú electric current
對流 对流 duì liú convection
對流層 对流层 duì liú céng troposphere; lower atmosphere
對流層頂 对流层顶 duì liú céng dǐng tropopause; top of troposphere
分流 fēn liú bypass
風流 风流 fēng liú distinguished and accomplished; outstanding; talented in letters and unconventional in life style; romantic; dissolute; loose
付諸東流 付诸东流 zhū dōng liú wasted effort
海峽交流基金會 海峡交流基金会 hǎi xiá jiāo liú jīn huì Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF)
河流 liú river
洪流 hóng liú cataract
急流 liú torrent
交流 jiāo liú exchange; give-and-take; to exchange; to alternate
交流道 jiāo liú dào interchange
交流道 jiāo liú dào stack interchange
交流電 交流电 jiāo liú diàn alternating current
徑流 径流 jìng liú runoff
逕流 迳流 jìng liú runoff
巨流 liú strong current
科學的交流 科学的交流 xué de jiāo liú scientific exchange
liú to flow; to spread; to circulate; to move
流產 流产 liú chǎn miscarriage
流暢 流畅 liú chàng flowing (of speech, writing); smooth and easy
流程圖 流程图 liú chéng flow chart
流出 liú chū (vi) disgorge; (vt) effuse
流傳 流传 liú chuán spread; circulate; hand down
流動 流动 liú dòng flow
流動負債 流动负债 liú dòng zhài current liability
流動資產 流动资产 liú dòng chǎn current asset
流放 liú fàng banishment; exile
流感 liú gǎn flu; influenza
流感病毒 liú gǎn bìng influenza virus; flu virus
流感疫苗 liú gǎn miáo flu shot; influenza vaccination
流汗 liú hàn (v) to sweat
流寇 liú kòu (n) roving bandits
流浪 liú làng (v) be a nomad; drift about; (v) wander; roam; be homeless; (adj) unsettled (e.g., population); vagrant
流浪漢 流浪汉 liú làng hàn tramp; wanderer
流浪者 liú làng zhě rover; vagabond; vagrant; wanderer
流淚 流泪 liú lèi (vi) tear; cry
流理台 liú tái (n) kitchen counter
流利 liú fluent
流量 liú liàng flow rate; rate (of flow)
流露 liú (v) express; reveal (one's thoughts or feelings)
流氓 liú máng rogue; hoodlum; gangster; immoral behavior
流氓罪 liú máng zuì the crime of hooliganism
流腦 流脑 liú nǎo epidemic encephalitis
流派 liú pài school (of thought)
流入 liú flow into
流沙箋 流沙笺 liú shā jiān paper marbling
流失 liú shī be drained away; to run off; to wash away
流水 liú shuǐ running water
流體 流体 liú fluid
流體動力學 流体动力学 liú dòng xué fluid dynamics
流體核試驗 流体核试验 liú shì yàn hydronuclear explosion (HNE)
流體力學 流体力学 liú xué (n) fluidics; fluid mechanics
流通 liú tōng to circulate
流亡 liú wáng to (force into) exile
流亡在海外 liú wáng zài hǎi wài to be in exile overseas
流亡政府 liú wáng zhèng (n) government-in-exile
流線型 流线型 liú xiàn xíng (n) streamline
流星 liú xīng meteor
流星體 流星体 liú xīng meteoroid
流星雨 liú xīng meteor shower
流行 liú xíng to rage (of contagious disease); popular; fashionable; prevalent; (math.) manifold; pop music
流行病 liú xíng bìng epidemic disease
流行病學 流行病学 liú xíng bìng xué epidemiology
流行歌曲 liú xíng pop music
流行性感冒 liú xíng xìng gǎn mào influenza
流行音樂 流行音乐 liú xíng yīn yuè popular music
流行樂團 流行乐团 liú xíng yuè tuán band
流血 liú xuè shed blood
流域 liú river basin; valley; drainage area
輪流 轮流 lún liú alternate
盲流 máng liú blind influx; country-to-city migrant without definite prospects
密度流 liú gravity current
名流 míng liú gentry; celebrities
內流盆地 内流盆地 nèi liú pén endorheic basin
泥石流 shí liú mudslide
逆流 liú (n) reverse current; (n) something that goes against the flow
漂流 piāo liú carried by the current
平流層 平流层 píng liú céng stratosphere
普雷克斯流程 léi liú chéng purex
氣流 气流 liú (n) air stream; airflow; (n) breath
禽流感 qín liú gǎn bird flu
清流 Qīng liú (N) Qingliu (place in Fujian)
人才外流 rén cái wài liú brain drain
人工流產 人工流产 rén gōng liú chǎn abortion
上流 shàng liú upper class
社會名流 社会名流 shè huì míng liú (n) socialite
射流 shè liú jet (mathematics)
聖地亞哥流浪者體育俱樂部 圣地亚哥流浪者体育俱乐部 Shèng liú làng zhě Club de Deportes Santiago Wanderers
雙流 双流 Shuāng liú (N) Shuangliu (place in Sichuan)
隨波逐流 随波逐流 suí zhú liú to go with the flow
塔爾卡流浪者體育社會俱樂部 塔尔卡流浪者体育社会俱乐部 ěr liú làng zhě Shè huì Club Social de Deportes Rangers de Talca
唐卡斯特流浪足球俱樂部 唐卡斯特流浪足球俱乐部 Táng liú làng qiú Doncaster Rovers F.C.
湍流 tuān liú turbulence
外流 wài liú outflow; to flow out; to drain
文化的交流 wén huà de jiāo liú cultural exchange
物流 liú distribution (business)
物流管理 liú guǎn logistics
溪流 liú stream
下流 xià liú (adj) low-class; vulgar
血流 xuè liú blood flow
洋流 yáng liú ocean current
一流 liú (n) front rank; top quality
銀流河 银流河 Yín liú Celebrant
羽流 liú plume
源流 yuán liú (n) headstream
鎮流器 镇流器 zhèn liú electrical ballast
支流 zhī liú (n) bayou; tributary
直流電 直流电 zhí liú diàn direct current
主流 zhǔ liú (n) main stream of a fluid; (n) main aspect of a matter

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