Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
按照 àn zhào according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of
按照法律 àn zhào according to the law
按照計劃 按照计划 àn zhào huà according to (the) plan ...
按照字面 àn zhào miàn literally
比照 zhào according to; in the light of; contrast
參照 参照 cān zhào (v) consult; refer to as a reference
慈照寺 zhào Ginkaku-ji
低劑量照射 低剂量照射 liáng zhào shè low dose irradiation
對照 对照 duì zhào contrast
對照實驗 对照实验 duì zhào shí yàn scientific control
輻照 辐照 zhào irradiation
關照 关照 guān zhào concern; care; to keep an eye on; to look after
護照 护照 zhào passport
急性照射 xìng zhào shè acute exposure
駕駛執照 驾驶执照 jià shǐ zhí zhào driver's license
駕照 驾照 jià zhào driver's license
拍照 pāi zhào to take a picture
牌照 pái zhào license plate
日照 zhào (N) Rizhao (city in Shandong)
日照市 zhào shì Rizhao
事故照射 shìzhào shè accidental exposure
數碼照相機 数码照相机 shù zhào xiàng digital camera
探照燈 探照灯 tàn zhào dēng searchlight
外照射 wài zhào shè external irradiation
無照經營 无照经营 zhào jīng yíng unlicensed business activity
洗照片 zhào piàn develop film
寫照 写照 xiě zhào portrayal
業余無線電執照 业余无线电执照 xiàn diàn zhí zhào amateur radio license
依照 zhào according to; in light of
應急照射 应急照射 yīng zhào shè emergency exposure
zhào according to; in accordance with; to shine; to illuminate; to reflect; photograph
照搬 zhào bān to copy; to imitate
照常 zhào cháng (business, etc) as usual
照單全收 照单全收 zhào dān quán shōu (phr) accept without question
照顧 照顾 zhào gu take (good) care of; show some consideration; to attend to; to look after
照會 照会 zhào huì (n) letters of understanding or concern exchanged between govermnts
照舊 照旧 zhào jiù (adj) as before; as in the past
照例 zhào as a rule; as usual; usually
照亮 zhào liàng (v) lighten; illuminate
照料 zhào liào tend
照明 zhào míng (n) the illumination supplied by lights; lighting
照片 zhào piàn photograph; picture
照射 zhào shè shine; irradiate
照相 zhào xiàng take a photograph
照像機 照像机 zhào xiàng camera
照相機 照相机 zhào xiàng camera
照樣 照样 zhào yàng as before; (same) as usual
照耀 zhào yào shine; illuminate
照應 照应 zhào ying (v) take care of
正電子發射斷層照相術 正电子发射断层照相术 zhèng diàn shè duàn céng zhào xiāng shù positron emission tomography (PET)
證照 证照 zhèng zhào professional certification; certificate
執照 执照 zhí zhào license
遵照 zūn zhào (v) in accordance with; follow

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