Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
埃博拉病毒 āi bìng Ebola virus
愛迪生氏病 爱迪生氏病 ài shēng shì bìng Addison's disease
愛滋病 爱滋病 ài bìng AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
艾滋病 ài bìng AIDS
艾滋病病毒 ài bìng bìng AIDS virus
愛滋病毒 爱滋病毒 ài bìng human immune deficiency virus (HIV); the AIDS virus
艾滋病毒 ài bìng human immune deficiency virus (HIV); the AIDS virus
艾滋病患者 ài bìng huàn zhě AIDS patient
艾滋病抗體 艾滋病抗体 ài bìng kàng AIDS antibody
巴貝西亞原蟲病 巴贝西亚原虫病 bèi yuán chóng bìng babesiosis
白粉病 bái fěn bìng powdery mildew
白化病 bái huà bìng albinism
白血病 bái xuè bìng leukemia
包治百病 bāo zhì bǎi bìng guarantee to cure all diseases
抱病 bào bìng be ill; be in bad health
暴病 bào bìng sudden attack of a serious illness
弊病 bìng malady; evil; malpractice; drawback; disadvantage
bìng ailment; sickness; illness; disease; fall ill; sick; defect
病包兒 病包儿 bìng bāo er a person who is always falling ill; chronic invalid
病變 病变 bìng biàn pathological changes
病程 bìng chéng course of disease
病蟲害 病虫害 bìng chóng hài plant diseases and insect pests
病床 bìng chuáng hospital bed; sickbed
病從口入 病从口入 bìng cóng kǒu illness finds its way in by the mouth
病倒 bìng dǎo be down with an illness; be laid up
病毒 bìng virus
病毒性肝炎 bìng xìng gān yán viral hepatitis
病毒學 病毒学 bìng xué virology (study of viruses)
病毒學家 病毒学家 bìng xué jiā virologist (person who studies viruses)
病毒血症 bìng xuè zhèng viremia
病房 bìng fáng ward (of a hospital); sickroom
病夫 bìng sick man
病根 bìng gēn an incompletely cured illness; an old complaint; the root cause of trouble
病故 bìng die of an illness
病害 bìng hài plant disease
病號 病号 bìng hào sick personnel; person on the sick list; patient
病機 病机 bìng interpretation of the cause; onset and process of an illness; pathogenesis
病急亂投醫 病急乱投医 bìng luàn tóu turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
病家 bìng jiā a patient and his family
病假 bìng jià sick leave
病菌 bìng jūn harmful bacteria; pathogenic bacteria; germs
病況 病况 bìng kuàng state of an illness; patient's condition
病理 bìng pathology
病理學 病理学 bìng xué pathology
病例 bìng [medical] case [of illness]
病歷 病历 bìng medical record; case history
病脈 病脉 bìng mài abnormal pulse
病魔 bìng serious illness
病情 bìng qíng state of an illness; patient's condition
病人 bìng rén sick person; [medical] patient; invalid
病容 bìng róng sickly look
病入膏肓 bìng gāo huāng the disease has attacked the vitals - beyond cure
病勢 病势 bìng shì degree of seriousness of an illness; patient's condition
病態 病态 bìng tài morbid or abnormal state
病痛 bìng tòng slight illness; indisposition; ailment
病危 bìng wēi be critically ill; be terminally ill
病象 bìng xiàng symptom (of a disease)
病因 bìng yīn cause of disease; pathogen
病友 bìng yǒu a friend made in hospital or people who become friends in hospital; wardmate
病癒 病愈 bìng recover (from an illness)
病原 bìng yuán cause of disease; pathogeny
病員 病员 bìng yuán sick personnel; person on the sick list; patient
病院 bìng yuàn a specialized hospital
病灶 bìng zào focus (of infection)
病征 bìng zhēng symptom (of a disease)
病症 bìng zhèng disease; illness
病株 bìng zhū diseased or infected plant
病狀 病状 bìng zhuàng symptom (of a disease)
布魯氏菌病 布鲁氏菌病 shì jūn bìng Brucella
布氏杆菌病 shì gān jūn bìng brucellosis
腸病毒 肠病毒 cháng bìng enterovirus
蟲媒病毒 虫媒病毒 chóng méi bìng arbovirus
傳染病 传染病 chuán rǎn bìng infectious disease; contagious disease; pestilence
得病 bìng to fall ill; to contract a disease
登革病毒 dēng bìng dengue virus
第二型糖尿病 èr xíng táng niào bìng Type 2 diabetes
第一型糖尿病 xíng táng niào bìng Type 1 diabetes
電腦病毒 电脑病毒 diàn nǎo bìng computer virus
東方馬腦炎病毒 东方马脑炎病毒 dōng fāng nǎo yán bìng eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus
多去氧核糖核酸病毒科 duō yǎng táng suān bìng polydnavirus
惡病質 恶病质 è bìng zhí Cachexia
發病 发病 bìng onset; outbreak (of a disease)
發病率 发病率 bìng incidence of a disease; disease rate
反轉錄病毒 反转录病毒 fǎn zhuǎn bìng retrovirus
犯病 fàn bìng to fall ill
斐濟病毒屬 斐济病毒属 Fěi bìng shǔ Fijivirus
分體病毒科 分体病毒科 Fēn bìng Partitiviridae
瘋牛病 疯牛病 fēng niú bìng mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalitis)
副黏液病毒 nián bìng paramyxovirus
鉤端螺旋體病 钩端螺旋体病 gōu duān luó xuán bìng leptospirosis
漢他病毒 汉他病毒 hàn bìng hantavirus
黑死病 hēi bìng black death
宏病毒 hóng bìng macro virus (computing)
虹彩病毒科 Hóng cǎi bìng Iridoviridae
猴痘病毒 hóu dòu bìng monkey pox virus
呼吸系統疾病 呼吸系统疾病 tǒng bìng respiratory disease
患病 huàn bìng become sick; fall ill
黃熱病 黄热病 huángbìng yellow fever
黃熱病毒 黄热病毒 huángbìng yellow fever virus
疾病 bìng disease; sickness; ailment
疾病控制中心 bìng kòng zhì zhōng xīn Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
疾病預防中心 疾病预防中心 bìng fáng zhōng xīn (U.S.) Center for Disease Control
急性骨髓性白血病 xìng suǐ xìng bái xuè bìng acute myeloid leukemia
脊髓灰白質炎病毒 脊髓灰白质炎病毒 suǐ huī bái zhì yán bìng poliovirus
計算機病毒 计算机病毒 suàn bìng computer virus
腳氣病 脚气病 jiǎo bìng beriberi
結核病 结核病 jié bìng (n) white plague
節肢介體病毒 节肢介体病毒 jié zhī jiè bìng arbovirus
芥子氣惡病質 芥子气恶病质 jiè è bìng zhì mustard cachexia
精神病 jīng shén bìng mental disorder; psychosis
精神病學 精神病学 jīng shén bìng xué psychiatry
精神病醫院 精神病医院 jīng shén bìng yuàn psychiatric hospital
精神疾病 jīng shén bìng mental illness
巨細胞病毒 巨细胞病毒 bāo bìng cytomegalovirus (CMV)
巨細胞病毒視網膜炎 巨细胞病毒视网膜炎 bāo bìng shì wǎng yán CMV Retinitis
軍團菌病 军团菌病 jūn tuán jūn bìng legionnaires' disease
看病 kàn bìng see a doctor; see a patient
科羅拉多壁蝨熱病毒 科罗拉多壁蝨热病毒 luó duō shībìng Coltivirus
柯沙奇病毒 shā bìng Coxsackievirus
克沙奇病毒 shā bìng Coxsackievirus
克山病 shān bìng Keshan disease
恐水病 kǒng shuǐ bìng rabies
佝僂病 佝偻病 kòubìng rickets
跨領域病毒 跨领域病毒 kuà lǐng bìng multipartite virus
狂犬病 kuáng quǎn bìng rabies
拉沙病毒 shā bìng Lassa virus
萊姆病 莱姆病 lái bìng lyme disease
酪氨酸代謝病 酪氨酸代谢病 lào ān suān dài xiè bìng yrosinosis
聯體病毒科 联体病毒科 Lián bìng Geminiviridae
裂谷熱病毒 裂谷热病毒 liè bìng Rift Valley fever virus
流感病毒 liú gǎn bìng influenza virus; flu virus
流行病 liú xíng bìng epidemic disease
流行病學 流行病学 liú xíng bìng xué epidemiology
裸露核糖核酸病毒 Luǒ táng suān bìng Narnaviridae
馬爾堡病毒 马尔堡病毒 ěr bǎo bìng Marburg virus
毛病 máo bìng fault; defect; shortcomings
美國疾病控制與預防中心 美国疾病控制与预防中心 Měi guó bìng Kòng zhì fáng Zhōng xīn Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
庖疹病毒 páo zhěn bìng herpes virus
皮膚病 皮肤病 bìng dermatosis
奇昆古尼亞病毒 奇昆古尼亚病毒 kūn bìng Chikungunya virus
潛水夫病 潜水夫病 qián shuǐ bìng bends
禽肝病毒屬 禽肝病毒属 Qín gān bìng shǔ Avihepadnavirus
球孢子菌病 qiú bāo jūn bìng Coccidioidomycosis
卻病 却病 què bìng to prevent or treat a disease
蟯蟲病 蛲虫病 ráo chóng bìng enterobiasis
熱病 热病 bìng (n) pyrexia
人類免疫缺陷病毒 人类免疫缺陷病毒 rén lèi miǎn quē xiàn bìng human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
溶脢儲存疾病 溶脢储存疾病 róng méi chǔ cún bìng lysosomal storage diseases; LSDs
乳頭多瘤空泡病毒 乳头多瘤空泡病毒 tóu duō liú kōng pào bìng Papovavirus
薩斯病 萨斯病 bìng SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
喪心病狂 丧心病狂 sāng xīn bìng kuáng lunatic
神經病 神经病 shén jīng bìng mental disorder; neuropathy
生病 shēng bìng ill; sick
手足口病 shǒu kǒu bìng hand-foot-mouth disease
炭疽病 tàn bìng anthrax
糖尿病 táng niào bìng diabetes; diabetes mellitus
天花病毒 tiān huā bìng variola virus
委內瑞拉馬腦炎病毒 委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒 wěi nèi ruì nǎo yán bìng Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus
胃病 wèi bìng stomach trouble; stomach illness
西方馬腦炎病毒 西方马脑炎病毒 fāng nǎo yán bìng western equine encephalitis (WEE) virus
腺病毒 xiàn bìng adenovirus
小兒麻痺病毒 小儿麻痹病毒 xiǎo ér bìng poliovirus
新城病 xīn chéng bìng Newcastle Disease
心理疾病 xīn bìng mental illness
心血管疾病 xīn xuè guǎn bìng cardiovascular disease
心臟病 心脏病 xīn zàng bìng heart disease
性病 xìng bìng venereal disease; sexually transmitted disease; VD
血吸蟲病 血吸虫病 xuè chóng bìng schistosomiasis
血友病 xuè yǒu bìng hemophilia
恙蟲病 恙虫病 yàng chóng bìng Scrub typhus; Tsutsugamushi disease; Mite-borne typhus fever
遺傳性疾病 遗传性疾病 chuán xìng bìng genetic disorder
疫病 bìng plague
有精神病 yǒu jīng shén bìng insane
藻類去氧核糖核酸病毒科 藻类去氧核糖核酸病毒科 Zǎo lèi yǎng táng suān bìng Phycodnaviridae
正呼腸孤病毒屬 正呼肠孤病毒属 zhèng chángbìng shǔ orthoreovirus
職業病 职业病 zhí bìng occupational disease
治病 zhì bìng treat an illness
致病 zhì bìng pathogenic; causes disease
治病救人 zhì bìng jiù rén cure the sickness to save the patient; criticize a person in order to help him
致病菌 zhì bìng jūn pathogenic bacteria
重病 zhòng bìng (n) serious illness
豬鏈球菌病 猪链球菌病 zhū liàn qiú jūn bìng streptococcus suis (swine-borne disease)
豬水泡病 猪水泡病 zhū shuǐ pào bìng swine vesicular disease (SVD)
自體免疫疾病 自体免疫疾病 miǎn bìng autoimmune disease
組織胞漿菌病 组织胞浆菌病 zhī bāo jiāng jūn bìng histoplasmosis
組織漿黴菌病 组织浆黴菌病 zhī jiāng méi jūn bìng histoplasmosis

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