Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
白色相簿 Bái xiāng White Album
扮相 bàn xiàng the appearance of an actor or actress in costume or makeup
變相 变相 biàn xiàng in disguised form; covert
儐相 傧相 bīn xiàng attendant of the bride or bridegroom at a wedding
冰炭不相容 bīng tàn xiāng róng as incompatible or irreconcilable as ice and hot coals
不打不相識 不打不相识 xiāng shí from an exchange of blows friendship grows; no discord; no concord
不敢相信 gǎn xiāng xìn unbelievable
不相符 xiāng not in harmony
不相干 xiāng gān be irrelevant; have nothing to do with
不相容 xiāng róng incompatible
不相上下 xiāng shàng xià equally matched; about the same
出洋相 chū yáng xiàng make an exhibition of oneself
詞相似效應 词相似效应 xiāng xiào yìng word similarity effect
反唇相譏 反唇相讥 fǎn chún xiāng answer back sarcastically
和睦相處 和睦相处 xiāng chù harmoniously
核相互作用 xiāng zuò yòng nuclear interaction
紅嘴相思鳥 红嘴相思鸟 Hóng zuǐ xiāng niǎo Red-billed Leiothrix
互相 xiāng each other; mutually; mutual
互相溝通 互相沟通 xiāng gōu tōng inter-communication
教育相談 教育相谈 jiào xiāng tán education counselor
看相 kàn xiāng fortune telling
另眼相看 lìng yǎn xiāng kàn to view in a new light
萍水相逢 píng shuǐ xiāng féng (saying) strangers coming together by chance
色相 xiāng hue
識相 识相 shí xiàng sensitive; tactful
事件相關電位 事件相关电位 shì jiàn xiāng guān diàn wèi event-related potential
收支相抵 shōu zhī xiāng (n) break-even
首相 shǒu xiàng (Japanese) prime minister
數碼照相機 数码照相机 shù zhào xiàng digital camera
水相 shuǐ xiāng aqueous phase
睡眠相位後移症候群 睡眠相位后移症候群 shuì mián xiàng wèi hòu zhèng hòu qún delayed sleep phase syndrome
外相 wài xiàng Foreign Minister
位相空間 位相空间 wèi xiāng kōng jiān phase space
xiāng each other; one another; mutually
相比 xiāng compared to
相差 xiāng chà differ
相稱 相称 xiāng chèn (vi) comport
相處 相处 xiāng chǔ get along with each other
相傳 相传 xiāng chuán to pass on
相當 相当 xiāng dāng equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; to a certain extent; fairly
相等 xiāng děng equal; equally; equivalent
相對 相对 xiāng duì relatively; opposite; to resist; to oppose; relative; vis-a-vis
相對論 相对论 xiāng duì lùn theory of relativity
相對濕度 相对湿度 xiāng duì shī relative humidity
相反 xiāng fǎn opposite; contrary
相仿 xiāng fǎng similar
相符 xiāng (v) match up to; tally
相隔 xiāng be separated by (distance or time, etc)
相關 相关 xiāng guān interrelated
相互 xiāng each other; mutual
相互兼容 xiāng jiān róng mutually compatible
相互作用 xiāng zuò yòng (n) interaction; interplay
相繼 相继 xiāng (adv) in succession; closely follow after
相加性的 xiāng jiā xìng de additive
相交 xiāng jiāo (v) cross; intersect; (v) make friends
相近 xiāng jìn close; similar to
相連 相连 xiāng lián to link; to join; link; connection
相鄰 相邻 xiāng lín (v) neighbor
相配 xiāng pèi match
相扑 xiāng Sumo wrestling
相親 相亲 xiāng qīn date; arranged blind date with intention to marry
相濡以沫 xiāng give one's meager resources to help another in time of need; help each other when both are in humble circumstances
相識 相识 xiāng shí acquaintance
相思鳥屬 相思鸟属 Xiāng niǎo shǔ Leiothrix
相似 xiāng to resemble; similar; like; resemblance; similarity
相似性 xiāng xìng resemblance; similarity
相通 xiāng tōng (v) be closely linked; have a connection
相同 xiāng tóng identical; same
相同名字 xiāng tóng míng like-named; having the same name
相像 xiāng xiàng resemble; be similar
相信 xiāng xìn be convinced (that something is true); believe; to accept sth. as true
相應 相应 xiāng yìng relevant; corresponding (reaction)
相遇 xiāng to meet; to come across
相紙 相纸 xiāng zhǐ photographic paper
xiàng appearance; portrait; picture
相架 xiàng jià picture frame
相貌 xiàng mào appearance
相片 xiàng piàn image; photograph
相聲 相声 xiàng shēng (n) cross talk, comic dialogue
相位 xiàng wèi phase (waves)
雅虎相冊 雅虎相册 xiāng Yahoo! Photos
意氣相投 意气相投 xiāng tóu congenial
月相 yuè xiāng lunar phase
宰相 zǎi xiàng prime minister (in feudal China)
長相 长相 zhǎng xiāng countenance; appearance; looks
照相 zhào xiàng take a photograph
照相機 照相机 zhào xiàng camera
針鋒相對 针锋相对 zhēn fēng xiāng duì tit for tat
真相 zhēn xiàng (n) the truth about sth; the actual facts
正電子發射斷層照相術 正电子发射断层照相术 zhèng diàn shè duàn céng zhào xiāng shù positron emission tomography (PET)
自相矛盾 xiāng máo dùn contradict oneself; be self-contradictory

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