Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
操縱 操纵 cāo zòng to operate; to control
放縱 放纵 fàng zòng to let somebody have their own way; to connive at; to indulge; unrestrained; undisciplined; uncultured; boorish
驕縱 骄纵 jiāo zòng arrogant
失縱 失纵 shī zōng disappear
zōng vertical
zòng even if; release
縱波 纵波 zòng longitudinal wave
縱橫 纵横 zòng héng (n) length and width; (adj) easy; able to move unhindered
縱橫二千 纵横二千 Zòng héng èr qiān G2000
縱火 纵火 zòng huǒ set on fire; commit arson
縱火犯 纵火犯 zòng huǒ fàn arsonist
縱然 纵然 zòng rán even if; even though
縱停留時間 纵停留时间 zòng tíng liú shí jiān gaze duration
縱慾殺手 纵欲杀手 zòng shā shǒu spree killer

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