Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
飽食終日無所用心 饱食终日无所用心 bǎo shí zhōng suǒ yòng xīn eat three square meals a day and do no work; be sated with food and remain idle
不可終日 不可终日 zhōng be unable to carry on even for a single day; be in a desperate situation
告終 告终 gào zhōng end; reach an end
年終 年终 nián zhōng (n) year-end
秦嶺終南山公路隧道 秦岭终南山公路隧道 Qín lǐng zhōng Nán shān gōng suì dào Zhongnanshan Tunnel
始終 始终 shǐ zhōng from beginning to end; all along
送終 送终 sòng zhōng pay last respects
啞終端 哑终端 zhōng duān dumb terminal
zhōng end; finish
終點 终点 zhōng diǎn destination
終點地址 终点地址 zhōng diǎn zhǐ destination address
終點線 终点线 zhōng diǎn xiàn (n) finish line; (vi) oar
終端 终端 zhōng duān end; terminal
終端機 终端机 zhōng duān terminal
終端用戶 终端用户 zhōng duān yòng end user
終極動員令系列 终极动员令系列 Zhōng dòng yuán lìng liè Command & Conquer series
終結 终结 zhōng jié (n) finis
終結者 终结者 Zhōng jié zhě The Terminator
終究 终究 zhōng jiū (adv) in the end; after all is said and done
終年 终年 zhōng nián (n) entire year; (n) age at death
終日 终日 zhōng all day long
終身 终身 zhōng shēn lifelong
終身監禁 终身监禁 zhōng shēn jiān jìn life sentence
終審法院 终审法院 zhōng shěn yuàn Court of Final Appeal
終於 终于 zhōng at last; in the end; finally; eventually
終止 终止 zhōng zhǐ (v) stop
自始至終 自始至终 shǐ zhì zhōng from start to finish
最終 最终 zuì zhōng final; ultimate

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