Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
持續 持续 chí continue
持續經營 持续经营 chí jīng yíng going concern
斷斷續續 断断续续 duàn duàn (adv) intermittently; off and on manner; (adj) intermittent
公孫續 公孙续 Gōng Sūn Gongsun Xu
後續的解釋過程 后续的解释过程 hòu de jiě shì guò chéng post-interpretive processes
繼續 继续 to continue; to proceed with; to go on with
接續 接续 jiē (v) follow; continue
可持續發展 可持续发展 chí zhǎn sustainable development
連續 连续 lián continuous; in a row
連續變調 连续变调 lián biàn diào tone sandhi
連續函數 连续函数 lián hán shù continuous function
連續監視 连续监视 lián jiān shì continuous monitoring
連續介質力學 连续介质力学 lián jiè zhì xué mechanics of a continuous medium (math. phys.); fluid mechanics
連續劇 连续剧 lián (n) series of shows; multipart show; serial
連續統假設 连续统假设 lián tǒng jiǎ shè (math.) the continuum hypothesis
連續譯碼階段 连续译码阶段 lián jiē duàn sequential decoding stage
陸續 陆续 in turn; successively; one after the other; bit by bit
生命延續 生命延续 shēng mìng yán life extension
手續 手续 shǒu formalities
continue; replenish
續訂 续订 dìng renew
續發感染 续发感染 gǎn rǎn secondary infection
延續 延续 yán continue; last longer

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