Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
百足之蟲死而不僵 百足之虫死而不僵 bǎi zhī chóng ér jiāng a centipede dies but never falls down; old institutions die hard
半途而廢 半途而废 bàn ér fèi give up halfway; leave sth; unfinished
背道而馳 背道而驰 bèi dào ér chí run in the opposite direction; run counter to
備而不用 备而不用 bèi ér yòng have something ready just in case; keep something for possible future use
比較而言 比较而言 jiào ér yán comparatively speaking
不辭而別 不辞而别 ér bié leave without saying good-bye
不得而知 ér zhī unknown; unable to find out
不寒而慄 不寒而栗 hán ér shiver all over though not cold; tremble with fear; shudder
不歡而散 不欢而散 huān ér sàn part on bad terms; (of a meeting, etc.) break up in discord
不脛而走 不胫而走 jìng ér zǒu get round fast; spread like wildfire
不可同日而語 不可同日而语 tóng ér cannot be mentioned in the same breath
不勞而獲 不劳而获 láo ér huò reap without sowing; profit by other people's toil
不謀而合 不谋而合 móu ér agree without prior consultation; happen to hold the same view
不期而遇 ér meet by chance; have a chance encounter
不期然而然 rán ér rán happen unexpectedly; turn out contrary to one's expectations
不宣而戰 不宣而战 xuān ér zhàn open hostilities without declaring war; start an undeclared war
不言而喻 yán ér it goes without saying; it is self-evident
不一而足 ér by no means an isolated case; numerous
不翼而飛 不翼而飞 ér fēi disappear without trace; vanish all of a sudden; spread fast; spread like wildfire
不約而同 不约而同 yuē ér tóng take the same action or view without prior consultation; happen to coincide
擦肩而過 擦肩而过 jiān ér guò brief encounter; to brush past somebody
從而 从而 cóng ér thus; thereby
ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not); (shows causal relation); (shows change of state); (shows contrast)
而不需 ér without needing (to so sth)
而後 而后 ér hòu after that; then
而今 ér jīn now; at the present (time)
而且 ér qiě not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore
而已 ér that's all; nothing more
反而 fǎn ér instead; contrary (to expectations)
華而不實 华而不实 huá ér shí flashy
疾馳而過 疾驰而过 chí ér guò swept past
進而 进而 jìn ér and then (what follows next)
敬而遠之 敬而远之 jìng ér yuǎn zhī (saying) to show respect from a distance
就﹍而言 jiù ér yán considering
可想而知 xiǎng ér zhī (conj) it is obvious that...
露齒而笑 露齿而笑 lòu chǐ ér xiào grin
輕而易舉 轻而易举 qīng ér easy; with no difficulty
取而代之 ér dài zhī substitute; remove and replace (someone)
然而 rán ér however; yet; but
時而 时而 shí ér (adv) occassionally; often, but not at any fixed time
視而不見 视而不见 shì ér jiàn turn a blind eye to
似是而非 shì ér fēi (saying) appeared right but actually was wrong
隨之而後 随之而后 suí zhī ér hòu from that; following from that; after that
脫口而出 脱口而出 tuō kǒu ér chū (v) blurt out; (v) let slip
望而生畏 wàng ér shēng wèi (phr) intimidate; inspire awe, fear
望而興嘆 望而兴叹 wàng ér xīng tàn (phr) look and sigh; (phr) feel helpless; not know what to do
顯而易見 显而易见 xiǎn ér jiàn (conj) obviously; clearly; it's clear to see...
形而上學 形而上学 xíng ér shàng xué (saying) outside actual experience; metaphysics
一概而論 一概而论 gài ér lùn (saying) lump different matters together
一哄而散 hōng ér sàn (saying) disperse in confusion
因而 yīn ér therefore; as a result; thus; and as a result, ...
轉而 转而 zhuǎn ér (adv) conversely; but rather
自然而然 rán ér rán involuntary; automatically
自上而下的加工 shàng ér xià de jiā gōng top-down processing
自下而上的加工 xià ér shàng de jiā gōng bottom-up processing
總而言之 总而言之 zǒng ér yán zhī in short; in a word; in brief

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