Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
安營 安营 ān yíng pitch a camp; camp
奧斯威辛集中營 奥斯威辛集中营 ào wēi xīn zhōng yíng Auschwitz concentration camp
拔營 拔营 yíng strike camp
兵營 兵营 bīng yíng military camp; barracks
步步為營 步步为营 wéi yíng advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step; consolidate at every step
持續經營 持续经营 chí jīng yíng going concern
戴維營 戴维营 Dài wéi yíng Camp David
東營 东营 Dōng yíng (N) Dongying (city in Shandong)
非營利 非营利 fēi yíng non-profit; not for profit
國營 国营 guó yíng state-run (company, etc); nationalized
國營企業 国营企业 guó yíng nationalized industry
合營 合营 yíng (v) jointly operate; operate as a coop
橫浜市營地鐵 横浜市营地铁 Héng bāng shì yíng tiě Yokohama City Transportation Bureau
集中營 集中营 zhōng yíng concentration camp
經營 经营 jīng yíng engage in (a business activity, etc.); run; operate
經營費用 经营费用 jīng yíng fèi yòng business cost; business expense
經營管理和維護 经营管理和维护 jīng yíng guǎn wéi Operations Administration and Maintenance; OAM
經營者 经营者 jīng yíng zhě (n) manager; transactor
軍營 军营 jūn yíng (n) military camp
柳營鄉 柳营乡 Liǔ yíng xiāng (N) Liuying (village in Taiwan)
露天宿營 露天宿营 tiān yíng camping in the open; living outdoors
露營 露营 yíng camp
綠營 绿营 yíng Green Standard Army
民營化 民营化 mín yíng huà privatization
難民營 难民营 nàn mín yíng refugee camp
歐洲原子能聯營 欧洲原子能联营 ōu zhōu yuán néng lián yíng Euratom
市場營銷 市场营销 shì chǎng yíng xiāo marketing
私營 私营 yíng privately-owned; private
宿營 宿营 yíng living quarters; accommodation; camp
無照經營 无照经营 zhào jīng yíng unlicensed business activity
夏令營 夏令营 xià lìng yíng summer camp
下營鄉 下营乡 Xià yíng xiāng (N) Hsiaying (village in Taiwan)
新營 新营 Xīn yíng (N) Hsinying (city in Taiwan)
訓練營 训练营 xùn liàn yíng training camp
野營 野营 yíng (n) campout
yíng army; to deal in; to trade; to operate; to run; camp; nourishment; to manage
營地 营地 yíng camp
營救 营救 yíng jiù rescue
營口 营口 Yíng kǒu (N) Yingkou (city in Liaoning)
營利 营利 yíng for profit; seek profit
營山 营山 Yíng shān (N) Yingshan (place in Sichuan)
營收 营收 yíng shōu sales; income; revenue
營養 营养 yíng yǎng nutrition; nourishment
營養不良 营养不良 yíng yǎng liáng (n) deficiency disease; dystrophy; malnutrition; undernourishment
營養繁殖 营养繁殖 yíng yǎng fán zhí vegetative reproduction
營養品 营养品 yíng yǎng pǐn nourishment
營養學 营养学 yíng yǎng xué nutrition
營業 营业 yíng to do business; to trade
營業額 营业额 yíng é sum or volume of business; turnover
營業稅 营业税 yíng shuì (n) sales tax
營業員 营业员 yíng yuán clerk; shop assistant
營運資金 营运资金 yíng yùn jīn working capital
玉泉營 玉泉营 quán yíng Yuquanying
運營 运营 yùn yíng scheduled operations; be in operation
紮營 扎营 yíng encamp
陣營 阵营 zhèn yíng group of people; camp; faction
自營商 自营商 yíng shāng dealer
左營區 左营区 Zuǒ yíng (N) Tsoying (area in Taiwan)

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