Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
to repair; to patch; to mend; to make up for; to fill (a vacancy); to supplement
補白 补白 bái filler (in a newspaper or magazine)
補報 补报 bào make a report after the event; make a supplementary report; repay a kindness
補償 补偿 cháng compensate; make up
補充 补充 chōng to replenish; to supplement; to complement; additional; supplementary
補丁 补丁 dīng patch
補發 补发 supply again (sth lost); reissue; pay retroactively
補法 补法 treatment involving the use of tonics to restore the patient's health; reinforcing method (in acupuncture)
補花 补花 huā applique
補給 补给 supply
補角 补角 jiǎo supplementary angle
補救 补救 jiù remedy
補考 补考 kǎo make-up examination
補課 补课 make up a missed lesson
補爐 补炉 fettling
補苗 补苗 miáo fill the gaps with seedlings
補偏救弊 补偏救弊 piān jiù remedy defects and rectify errors; rectify
補票 补票 piào buy one's ticket after the normal time
補品 补品 pǐn tonic
補缺 补缺 quē fill a vacancy; supply a deficiency
補色 补色 complementary color
補稅 补税 shuì pay a tax one has evaded; pay an overdue tax
補體 补体 complement (in blood serum)
補貼 补贴 tiē subsidy; allowance
補習 补习 take lessons after school or work; extra tutoring; to cram (for exams)
補習班 补习班 bān cram class; cram school
補瀉 补泻 xiè reinforcing and reducing methods (in acupuncture)
補選 补选 xuǎn by-election
補血 补血 xuè enrich the blood
補牙 补牙 fill a tooth; have a tooth stopped
補養 补养 yǎng take a tonic or nourishing food to build up one's health
補藥 补药 yào tonic
補液 补液 fluid infusion
補遺 补遗 addendum
補益 补益 benefit; help
補語 补语 complement
補種 补种 zhòng reseed; resow; replant
補助 补助 zhù (financial) subsidy; allowance
補助組織 补助组织 zhù zhī auxiliary organizations
補綴 补缀 zhuì mend (clothes); patch
補足 补足 bring up to full strength; make up a deficiency; fill (a vacancy, gap, etc.)
不無小補 不无小补 xiǎo not be without some advantage; be of some help
縫補 缝补 fèng darn (clothing)
衡平法上的補救措施 衡平法上的补救措施 héng píng shàng de bǔ jiù cuò shī equitable remedy
候補 候补 hòu (v) a canidate for a vacancy; an alternate
互補 互补 complement; complementary
彌補 弥补 (v) make complete; make up for a deficiency
魔界女王候補生 魔界女王候补生 jièwáng hòushēng Sugar Sugar Rune
取長補短 取长补短 chángduǎn proverb: the strong helping the weak
添補 添补 tiān bu fill (up); replenish
填補 填补 tián (v) fill in a gap or omission
修補 修补 xiū mend
修補匠 修补匠 xiūjiàng tinker
增補 增补 zēng (n) subjoinder; (vt) append

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