Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
報表 报表 bào biǎo forms for reporting statistics; report forms
筆劃檢字表 笔划检字表 huà jiǎn biǎo look-up table for Chinese character based on radical and stroke-count
biǎo surface; exterior; to watch; to show; express; an example; a list or table; a meter; a watch; chart; external
表白 biǎo bái vindicate
表報 表报 biǎo bào statistical tables and reports
表冊 表册 biǎo statistical form; book of tables or forms
表層 表层 biǎo céng surface layer
表尺 biǎo chǐ rear sight
表達 表达 biǎo to voice (an opinion); to express; to convey
表達失語症 表达失语症 biǎo shī zhèng expressive aphasia
表格 biǎo form; table
表姑 biǎo second cousin
表觀 表观 biǎo guān apparent
表記 表记 biǎo something given as a token; souvenir
表姐 biǎo jiě older female cousin
表決 表决 biǎo jué decide by vote; vote
表決權 表决权 biǎo jué quán right to vote; vote
表裡 表里 biǎo the outside and the inside; one's outward show and inner thoughts; exterior and interior
表露 biǎo show; reveal
表妹 biǎo mèi female cousin with a different surname
表蒙子 biǎo méng zi watch glass; crystal
表面 biǎo miàn surface; face; outside; appearance
表面化 biǎo miàn huà come to the surface; become apparent
表面活化劑 表面活化剂 biǎo miàn huó huà surfactant
表面信息 biǎo miàn xìn surface information
表面張力 表面张力 biǎo miàn zhāng surface tension
表明 biǎo míng make known; make clear; state clearly; indicate; known; to make clear
表皮 biǎo epidermis; cuticle
表皮剝脫素 表皮剥脱素 biǎo tuō exotoxin
表皮生長因子 表皮生长因子 biǎo shēng zhǎng yīn epidermal growth factor
表親 表亲 biǎo qīn cousin; cousinship
表情 biǎo qíng (facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression
表示 biǎo shì to express; to show; to express; to say; to state; to indicate
表示層 表示层 biǎo shì céng presentation layer
表示敬意 biǎo shì jìng respectful, show respect
表叔 biǎo shū son of grandfather's sister; son of grandmother's brother or sister; father's younger male cousin
表率 biǎo shuài example; model
表態 表态 biǎo tài make known one's position; declare where one stands
表土 biǎo surface soil; topsoil
表現 表现 biǎo xiàn expression; manifestation; show; display; manifest; to show (off); to display; performance (at work etc.)
表現型 表现型 biǎo xiàn xíng phenotype
表象 biǎo xiàng idea
表兄 biǎo xiōng male cousin with a different surname (older than oneself)
表兄弟 biǎo xiōng father's sister's sons; maternal male cousin
表演 biǎo yǎn perform; act; play; show; performance; exhibition; demonstrate
表演藝術 表演艺术 biǎo yǎn shù performing arts
表揚 表扬 biǎo yáng to praise; to commend
表意符階段 表意符阶段 biǎo jiē duàn logographic stage
表意文字 biǎo wén ideograph; ideographical writing system
表音 biǎo yīn phonetic; phonological; transcription
表語 表语 biǎo predicative
表彰 biǎo zhāng cite (in dispatches); commend
表徵 biǎo zhēng representation
表證 表证 biǎo zhèng illness that has not attacked the vital organs of the human body
表侄 biǎo zhí second cousin
表姊妹 biǎo mèi father's sister's daughters; maternal female cousin
波恩星表 ēn xīng biǎo Durchmusterung
從外表來看 从外表来看 cóng wài biǎo lái kàn looking from the outside; seen from the outside
代表 dài biǎo representative; delegate; to represent; to stand for
代表團 代表团 dài biǎo tuán delegation
電表 电表 diàn biǎo (n) ammeter; amperemeter; wattmeter
發表 发表 biǎo to issue (a statement); to publish; to issue; to put out
發表聲明 发表声明 biǎo shēng míng to issue a statement; to issue a declaration
發表演講 发表演讲 biǎo yǎn jiǎng to give a speech
根據上表 根据上表 gēn shàng biǎo according to the above table
公然表示 gōng rán biǎo shì to state openly
工作表 gōng zuò biǎo worksheet
航班表 háng bān biǎo flight schedule
華表 华表 huá biǎo marble pillar (ornamental column in front of places, tombs)
懷表 怀表 huái biǎo pocket watch
基因表達 基因表达 yīn biǎo gene expression
課表 课表 biǎo school timetable
鐳射印表機 镭射印表机 léi shè yìn biǎo laser printer
聯合發表 联合发表 lián biǎo joint statement; joint announcement
鏈表 链表 liàn biǎo linked list
列表 liè biǎo list
劉表 刘表 Liú Biǎo Liu Biao
履歷表 履历表 biǎo curriculum vitae (CV); resume
面部表情 miàn biǎo qíng facial expression
氣壓表 气压表 biǎo barometer
晴雨表 qíng biǎo barometer
全國人民代表大會 全国人民代表大会 Quán guó Rén mín Dài biǎo huì National People's Congress
全權代表 全权代表 quán quán dài biǎo plenipotentiaries
三個代表 三个代表 sāndài biǎo the Three Represents of Jiang Zemin
時間表 时间表 shí jiàn biǎo schedule
試算表 试算表 shì suàn biǎo spreadsheet
手表 shǒu biǎo wrist watch
首席代表 shǒu dài biǎo chief representative
數據庫表 数据库表 shù biǎo database table
填表 tián biǎo fill a form
統計表 统计表 tǒng biǎo statistical table, chart
圖表 图表 biǎo chart; diagram
外表 wài biǎo external; outside; outward appearance
萬用表 万用表 wàn yòng biǎo multimeter
儀表 仪表 biǎo meter; bearing; appearance
印表機 印表机 yìn biǎo printer
有限群表示理論 有限群表示理论 Yǒu xiàn qún biǎo shì lùn Representation theory of finite groups
元素周期表 yuán zhōu biǎo periodic table
月球表面 yuè qiú biǎo miàn lunar surface; surface of the moon
真值表 zhēn zhí biǎo truth table
鐘表 钟表 zhōng biǎo (n) clock
中國大陸電視劇列表 中国大陆电视剧列表 Zhōng guó diàn shì liè biǎo Chinese television series
注冊表 注册表 zhù biǎo Windows registry
撞擊式印表機 撞击式印表机 zhuàng shì yìn biǎo impact printer
資產負債表 资产负债表 chǎn zhài biǎo balance sheet

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