Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
巴勒斯坦解放組織 巴勒斯坦解放组织 tǎn Jiě fàng zhī Palestine Liberation Organization
百思不解 bǎi jiě remain puzzled after pondering over sth; a hundred times; remain perplexed despite much thought
保險解開系統 保险解开系统 bǎo xiǎn jiě kāi tǒng arming system
辯解 辩解 biàn jiě explain; justify; defend (a point of view, etc); provide an explanation; try to defend oneself
冰消瓦解 bīng xiāo jiě melt like ice and break like tiles; disintegrate; dissolve
不解 jiě not understand; indissoluble
不求甚解 qiú shèn jiě not seek to understand things thoroughly; be content with superficial understanding
潮解 cháo jiě (chem.); deliquesce (absorb water from the air and dissolve); deliquescense
詞彙分解 词汇分解 huì fēn jiě lexical decomposition
大惑不解 huò jiě do not understand a certain thing
地址解析協議 地址解析协议 zhǐ jiě xié address resolution protocol; ARP
電解 电解 diàn jiě electrolysis
電解質 电解质 diàn jiě zhì electrolyte
電纜調制解調器 电缆调制解调器 diàn lǎn tiáo zhì jiě diào cable modem
動物解放陣線 动物解放阵线 Dòng Jiě fàng Zhèn xiàn Animal Liberation Front
方解石 fāng jiě shí calcite
分解 fēn jiě resolve; decompose; break down
分解作用 fēn jiě zuò yòng decomposition
輻射分解 辐射分解 shè fēn jiě radiolysis
復分解反應 复分解反应 fēn jiě fǎn yìng metathesis (chemistry)
戈達德高解析攝譜儀 戈达德高解析摄谱仪 gāo jiě shè Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph
和解 jiě conciliatory; become reconciled
後續的解釋過程 后续的解释过程 hòu de jiě shì guò chéng post-interpretive processes
緩解 缓解 huǎn jiě ease; help relieve (a crisis)
加深理解 jiā shēn jiě to get a better grasp of sth
見解 见解 jiàn jiě opinion; view; understanding
講解 讲解 jiǎng jiě to explain
講解員 讲解员 jiǎng jiě yuán guide
酵解作用 jiào jiě zuò yòng zymolysis
jiě to separate; to divide; to break up; to loosen; to explain; to untie; to emancipate
解除 jiě chú remove; relieve (someone of their duties)
解答 jiě answer; explanation; (math.) solution (of an equation)
解調 解调 jiě diào to demodulate
解凍 解冻 jiě dòng thaw
解法 jiě (math.) solution (to a problem); method of solving
解放 jiě fàng liberation; to liberate
解放巴勒斯坦人民陣線 解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线 Jiě fàng tǎn Rén mín Zhèn xiàn Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
解放軍 解放军 jiě fàng jūn People's Liberation Army (i.e. the Chinese army)
解放運動 解放运动 jiě fàng yùn dòng (n) liberation
解僱 解雇 jiě to fire; to sack; to dismiss
解救 jiě jiù rescue; save
解決 解决 jiě jué to settle (a dispute); resolve; to resolve; to solve
解決問題 解决问题 jiě jué wèn problem solving
解開 解开 jiě kāi to untie; to undo
解渴 jiě quench
解碼 解码 jiě to decode; to decipher
解剖 jiě pōu dissect
解剖學 解剖学 jiě pōu xué anatomy
解散 jiě sàn dissolve; disband
解釋 解释 jiě shì explanation; to explain; to interpret; to resolve
解釋執行 解释执行 jiě shì zhí xíng interpreted (computer)
解說 解说 jiě shuō (n) exposition; (vt) commentate
解體 解体 jiě disintegrate; collapse
解脫 解脱 jiě tuō relief; free oneself; liberate; emancipate; be free; be relieved
解析 jiě to analyze; to resolve
解析幾何 解析几何 jiě analytic geometry; coordinate geometry
解析幾何學 解析几何学 jiě xué analytic geometry; coordinate geometry
解壓縮 解压缩 jiě suō to decompress; decompression (esp. computer)
解職 解职 jiě zhí dismiss someone from an office; discharge
jiè transport under guard
理解 jiě to comprehend; understanding; comprehension; to understand
諒解 谅解 liàng jiě (reach) an understanding
了解 liǎo jiě understand; come to understand; find out
瞭解 了解 liǎo jiě to understand
迷惑不解 huo jiě to feel puzzled
歐加登民族解放陣線 欧加登民族解放阵线 ōu jiā dēng Mín Jiě fàng Zhèn xiàn Ogaden National Liberation Front
人民解放軍 人民解放军 rén mín jiě fàng jūn People's Liberation Army
人體解剖學 人体解剖学 rén jiě pōu xué human anatomy
溶解 róng jiě dissolve; solution
熔解 róng jiě fusion
融解 róng jiě molten
溶解度 róng jiě solubility
薩帕塔民族解放運動 萨帕塔民族解放运动 Mín Jiě fàng Yùn dòng Zapatista Army of National Liberation
桑地諾民族解放陣線 桑地诺民族解放阵线 Sāng nuò Mín Jiě fàng Zhèn xiàn Sandinista National Liberation Front
沙林水解酶 shā lín shuǐ jiě méi sarinase
生物降解 shēng jiàng jiě biodegradation
生物可分解塑膠 生物可分解塑胶 shēng fēn jiě jiāo biodegradable plastic
尸體解剖 尸体解剖 shī jiě pōu autopsy; postmortem
紓解 纾解 shū jiě (v) relieve; remove; get rid of
水解 shuǐ jiě (chem.) hydrolysis
蘇丹解放運動 苏丹解放运动 dān Jiě fàng Yùn dòng Sudan Liberation Movement
塔崩水解酶 bēng shuǐ jiě méi tabunase
泰米爾伊拉姆猛虎解放組織 泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织 Tài ěr Měng Jiě fàng zhī Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
題解 题解 jiě notes; key (to exercises)
調解 调解 tiáo jiě (v) mediate; bring together to an agreement
調制解調器 调制解调器 tiáo zhì jiě diào modem
圖解說明 图解说明 jiě shuō míng illustrate
瓦解 jiě (v) collapse; disintegrate
誤解 误解 jiě misunderstanding
纖維蛋白溶解 纤维蛋白溶解 xiān wéi dàn bái róng jiě fibrinolysis
xiè (surname)
因式分解 yīn shì fēn jiě factorization
閱讀理解 阅读理解 yuè jiě reading comprehension
知覺解體 知觉解体 zhī jué jiě perceptual separability
中國人民解放軍 中国人民解放军 Zhōng guó Rén mín Jiě fàng jūn Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
中國人民解放軍海軍 中国人民解放军海军 Zhōng guó Rén mín Jiě fàng jūn Hǎi jūn Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)
中國人民解放軍空軍 中国人民解放军空军 Zhōng guó Rén mín Jiě fàng jūn Kōng jūn People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF)
註解 注解 zhù jiě annotate; annotation; comment; interpretation; explain with notes; explanatory note

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