Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
辨認 辨认 biàn rèn identify; recognize
辯認 辩认 biàn rèn (v) examine and recognize
不承認主義 不承认主义 chéng rèn zhǔ policy of non-recognition
承認 承认 chéng rèn recognize; to acknowledge; to admit
否認 否认 fǒu rèn to declare to be untrue; to deny
公平貿易認證 公平贸易认证 gōng píng mào rèn zhèng fairtrade certification
公平貿易認證組織 公平贸易认证组织 Gōng píng Mào rèn zhèng zhī FLO-CERT
公認 公认 gōng rèn publicly known (to be); accepted (as)
供認 供认 gòng rèn confess; confession
國際公平貿易認證標章 国际公平贸易认证标章 Guó gōng píng Mào rèn zhèng biāo zhāng International Fairtrade Certification Mark
堅決否認 坚决否认 jiān jué fǒu rèn to firmly deny
默認 默认 rèn default (as in 'default setting')
確認 确认 què rèn confirm; verify
rèn to recognize; to know; to admit
認出 认出 rèn chū recognition; recognize
認錯 认错 rèn cuò admit mistakes
認得 认得 rèn de know; recognize
認定 认定 rèn dìng maintain (that something is true); be of the firm opinion that; to firmly believe
認可 认可 rèn (v) approve; OK
認命 认命 rèn mìng (adj) resigned; (v) accept, be resigned to one's fate
認清 认清 rèn qīng (v) see clearly; recognize
認識不能 认识不能 rèn shí néng agnosia
認識 认识 rèn shi be acquainted with (a person); to know; to be familiar with; to recognize
認同 认同 rèn tóng identify; approve; acknowledge
認為 认为 rèn wéi to believe; to think; to consider; to feel
認真 认真 rèn zhēn earnest; serious; take seriously; take to heart
認證 认证 rèn zhèng authenticate; approve
認知 认知 rèn zhī acknowledge
認知神經心裡學 认知神经心里学 rèn zhī shén jīng xīn xué cognitive neuropsychology
認知失調 认知失调 rèn zhī shī tiáo cognitive dissonance
認罪 认罪 rèn zuì plead guilty
身份認證 身份认证 shēn fèn rèn zhèng certificate authority
體認 体认 rèn realization; realize

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