Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
保證 保证 bǎo zhèng guarantee; to guarantee; to ensure; to safeguard; to pledge
保證金 保证金 bǎo zhèng jīn earnest money; cash deposit; bail
保證破壞戰略 保证破坏战略 bǎo zhèng huài zhàn lüè assured destruction strategy
保證人 保证人 bǎo zhèng rén guarantor; bailor
辨證 辨证 biàn zhèng investigate
辯證 辩证 biàn zhèng investigate; dialectical
辯證法 辩证法 biàn zhèng (n) dialectic method of analysis
辯證施治 辩证施治 biàn zhèng shī zhì diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition
辯證唯物主義 辩证唯物主义 biàn zhèng wéi zhǔ dialectical materialism
表證 表证 biǎo zhèng illness that has not attacked the vital organs of the human body
查證 查证 chá zhèng investigate; check out (a story)
對證 对证 duì zhèng confrontation
對證命名 对证命名 duì zhèng mìng míng confrontation naming
反證法 反证法 fǎn zhèng reductio ad absurdum
公平貿易認證 公平贸易认证 gōng píng mào rèn zhèng fairtrade certification
公平貿易認證組織 公平贸易认证组织 Gōng píng Mào rèn zhèng zhī FLO-CERT
公證 公证 gōng zhèng (n) notarization
掛號證 挂号证 guà hào zhèng register card
國際公平貿易認證標章 国际公平贸易认证标章 Guó gōng píng Mào rèn zhèng biāo zhāng International Fairtrade Certification Mark
過境簽證 过境签证 guò jìng qiān zhèng transit visa
核證模型 核证模型 zhèng xíng verification model
假證 假证 jiǎ zhèng identity document forgery
見證 见证 jiàn zhèng witness; testimony
見證人 见证人 jiàn zhèng rén witness
結婚證 结婚证 jié hūn zhèng marriage certificate
居住證 居住证 zhù zhèng residence permit
例證 例证 zhèng example; case in point
論證 论证 lùn zhèng (v) prove a point; expound on; (n) proof; demonstrate or prove (through argument)
美國證券交易委員會 美国证券交易委员会 Měi guó Zhèng quàn Jiāo Wěi yuán huì United States Securities and Exchange Commission
紐約證券交易所 纽约证券交易所 Niǔ yuē Zhèng quàn Jiāo suǒ New York Stock Exchange
簽證 签证 qiān zhèng visa
求證 求证 qiú zhèng seek proof; seek confirmation
權證 权证 quán zhèng warrant (finance)
認證 认证 rèn zhèng authenticate; approve
上海證券交易所 上海证券交易所 Shàng hǎi Zhèng quàn Jiāo suǒ Shanghai Stock Exchange
身份認證 身份认证 shēn fèn rèn zhèng certificate authority
身份證 身份证 shēn fèn zhèng ID card; proof of identity
身分證 身分证 shēn fèn zhèng ID card; proof of identity
聽證會 听证会 tīng zhèng huì (legislative) hearing
偽證 伪证 wěi zhèng perjury
信用證 信用证 xìn yòng zhèng letter of credit
驗證 验证 yàn zhèng (v) inspect and verify
耶和華見證人 耶和华见证人 huá Jiàn zhèng rén Jehovah's Witnesses
引證 引证 yǐn zhèng to cite; to quote; to cite as evidence
印證 印证 yìn zhèng seal
再保證 再保证 zài bǎo zhèng reassure
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; certificate; proof
證詞 证词 zhèng testimony
證件 证件 zhèng jiàn paperwork; credentials
證據 证据 zhèng evidence; proof; testimony
證明 证明 zhèng míng proof; testimony; prove; confirm the truth of
證明書 证明书 zhèng míng shū certificate
證券 证券 zhèng quàn (financial) securities; negotiable securities
証券化率 证券化率 zhèng quàn huà securitization ratio
證券交易所 证券交易所 zhèng quàn jiāo suǒ stock exchange
證券經紀人 证券经纪人 zhèng quàn jīng rén stock broker
證人 证人 zhèng ren witness
證實 证实 zhèng shí confirm (something to be true); to verify
證實禮 证实礼 zhèng shí confirmation
證書 证书 zhèng shū credentials; certificate
證物 证物 zhèng exhibit (legal)
證驗 证验 zhèng yàn real results; to verify
證章 证章 zhèng zhāng badge
證照 证照 zhèng zhào professional certification; certificate
中國証監會 中国证监会 zhōng guó zhèng jiàn huì China Securities Regulatory Commission
資產擔保証券 资产担保证券 chǎn dān bǎo zhèng quàn asset-backed security; ABS
作證 作证 zuò zhèng bear witness; testify

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