Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
罷課 罢课 student's strike
備課 备课 bèi (of a teacher) to prepare lessons
必修課 必修课 xiū a required course
補課 补课 make up a missed lesson
操課 操课 cāo military drill
輔課 辅课 subsidiary course
功課 功课 gōng classwork
講課 讲课 jiǎng teach; lecture
精讀課 精读课 jīng intensive reading course
開課 开课 kāi school begins; give a course; teach a subject
subject; class; lesson
課本 课本 běn textbook
課表 课表 biǎo school timetable
課程 课程 chéng course; class
課時 课时 shí class; period
課堂 课堂 táng classroom
課題 课题 task; problem; issue
課外 课外 wài extracurricular
課文 课文 wén text
課文啟動 课文启动 wén dòng text priming
課業 课业 lesson; schoolwork
課余 课余 after school
課桌 课桌 zhuō school desk
曠課 旷课 kuàng (v) be truant from school; cut classes
蹺課 跷课 qiāo avoid attending classes
上課 上课 shàng to attend class
授課 授课 shòu to teach; to give lessons
下課 下课 xià class is over

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