Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
本底調查 本底调查 běn diào chá background investigation
筆調 笔调 diào (of writing) tone; style
變調 变调 biàn diào modified tone; tonal modification
步調 步调 diào gait; marching order; step; pace
步調一致 步调一致 diào zhì to be united in action
不調和 不调和 tiáo discord
查調 查调 chá diào inquiry; inquire
單調 单调 dān diào monotonous
單調函數 单调函数 dān diào hán shù monotonic function
低調 低调 diào low key; low-profile
電纜調制解調器 电缆调制解调器 diàn lǎn tiáo zhì jiě diào cable modem
調 diào mode (music); to move (troops); tune; tone; melody; to transfer
調變 调变 diào biàn to modulate
調查 调查 diào chá investigation; inquiry; to investigate; to survey; survey; (opinion) poll
調查報告 调查报告 diào chá bào gào memoir, report
調查結果 调查结果 diào chá jié guǒ results (of an investigation, poll)
調查人員 调查人员 diào chá rén yuán investigator
調查者 调查者 diào chá zhě investigator
調動 调动 diào dòng transfer; maneuver (troops, etc.)
調度 调度 diào (v) dispatch; (n) dispatcher
調換 调换 diào huàn (v) exchange; change places; (v) change
調孔亞綱 调孔亚纲 diào kǒng gāng euryapsida
調式 调式 diào shì musical mode
調值 调值 diào zhí pitch of tones
調子 调子 diào tune
宏觀調控 宏观调控 hóng guān diào kòng macro-control
基調 基调 diào (speech) keynote
吉他變調夾 吉他变调夹 biàn diào jiā capo
解調 解调 jiě diào to demodulate
進行調查 进行调查 jìn xíng diào chá to carry out an investigation
空氣調節 空气调节 kōng tiáo jié air conditioner
空調 空调 kōng tiáo (n) air conditioning
聯邦調查局 联邦调查局 lián bāng diào chá FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
聯合核事故協調中心 联合核事故协调中心 lián shìxié tiào zhōng xīn Joint nuclear Accident Coordinating Center (JNACC)
連續變調 连续变调 lián biàn diào tone sandhi
民調 民调 mín diào opinion poll
民意調查 民意调查 mín diào chá opinion poll
烹調 烹调 pēng tiáo (v) cook; (n) cooking
烹調術 烹调术 pēng tiáo shù cookery
腔調 腔调 qiāng diào accent
強調 强调 qiáng diào to emphasize (a statement); to stress
情調 情调 qíng diào sentiment; tone and mood; taste
人口調查 人口调查 rén kǒu diào chá census
認知失調 认知失调 rèn zhī shī tiáo cognitive dissonance
色調 色调 diào hue
上同調 上同调 shàng tóng diào (math.) cohomology
聲調 声调 shēng diào tone; note
聲調的調值 声调的调值 shēng diào de diào zhí pitch of tones
聲調輪廓 声调轮廓 shēng diào lún kuò tone contour
聲調語言 声调语言 shēng diào yán tone language
失調 失调 shī tiáo imbalance; out of tune
市場調查 市场调查 shì chǎng diào chá (n) market research
適度微調 适度微调 shì wēi tiáo an appropriate amount of fine-tuning
特調 特调 tiáo special blend (coffee); house blend (coffee)
調 tiáo harmonize; reconcile; blend; suit well; provoke; incite
調和 调和 tiáo harmonious; harmony
調劑 调剂 tiáo (v) make an adjustment
調節 调节 tiáo jié adjust; regulate
調解 调解 tiáo jiě (v) mediate; bring together to an agreement
調配 调配 tiáo pèi (vt) redeploy
調皮 调皮 tiáo naughty; mischievous; unruly
調頻 调频 tiáo pín (n) frequency modulation; FM
調情 调情 tiáo qíng flirt
調停 调停 tiáo tíng reconcile
調味料 调味料 tiáo wèi liào seasoning
調味肉汁 调味肉汁 tiáo wèi ròu zhī gravy
調味汁 调味汁 tiáo wèi zhī dressing; sauce
調戲 调戏 tiáo to take liberties with a woman; to dally; to assail a woman with obscenities
調整 调整 tiáo zhěng adjustment; revision
調制 调制 tiáo zhì to modulate; modulation
調制解調器 调制解调器 tiáo zhì jiě diào modem
同調 同调 tóng diào (math.) homology
問卷調查 问卷调查 wèn juàn diào chá questionnaire
協調 协调 xié tiáo to coordinate
協調世界時 协调世界时 xié tiáo shì jiè shí Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
協調員 协调员 xié tiáo yuán coordinator
意大利調味飯 意大利调味饭 tiáo wèi fàn risotto
音調 音调 yīn diào tone
詠嘆調 咏叹调 yǒng tàn diào aria
語調 语调 diào intonation
中國地質調查局 中国地质调查局 Zhōng guó zhì diào chá China Geological Survey (CGS)

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