Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
奔走 bēn zǒu run; rush about; be busy running about
便步走 biàn zǒu march at ease; route step
別讓我走 别让我走 bié ràng zǒu never let me go
不脛而走 不胫而走 jìng ér zǒu get round fast; spread like wildfire
撤走 chè zǒu withdraw
出走 chū zǒu to flee; to run away
穿針走線 穿针走线 chuān zhēn zǒu xiàn thread a needle
大步走 zǒu stride
帶走 带走 dài zǒu to take away (usu. food); to carry out (usu. food); take-out (usu. food)
東奔西走 东奔西走 dōng bēn zǒu (saying) hustle about; go here and there
疾走 zǒu scamper; scurry
競走 竞走 jìng zǒu (n) foot race
溜走 liù zǒu slip
迷走神經 迷走神经 zǒu shén jīng vagus nerve
逃走 táo zǒu escape; flee
拖走 tuō zǒu drag away
瓦罕走廊 hǎn zǒu láng Wakhan Corridor
行走 xíng zǒu walk
zǒu to walk; to go; to move; to leave
走步 zǒu traveling (basketball)
走出 zǒu chū to move away from; to walk away from
走錯 走错 zǒu cuò astray; misstep
走道 zǒu dào pavement; sidewalk; path; walk; footpath
走訪 走访 zǒu fǎng (v) pay a visit
走狗 zǒu gǒu (n) lackey; running dog; a person who helps someone harm people
走後門 走后门 zǒu hòu mén get in by the back door; do something by unofficial channels; (saying) use back door connections to get an advantage; use influence to get what one wants
走開 走开 zǒu kāi Get out of the way!
走廊 zǒu láng corridor; piazza; veranda
走漏 zǒu lòu (v) leak out (information); reveal
走私 zǒu smuggle
走投無路 走投无路 zǒu tóu to have no way out; to come to a dead end; to be painted into a corner
走彎路 走弯路 zǒu wān to take an indirect route
走向 zǒu xiàng trend; be trending towards
走運 走运 zǒu yùn (v) be lucky
走在 zǒu zài walking on (something)

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