Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
變焦距鏡頭 变焦距镜头 biàn jiāo jìng tóu zoom lens
測距儀 测距仪 distance measuring equipment
差距 chā disparity; gap
傳輸距離 传输距离 chuán shū transmission distance
短距離 短距离 duǎn (n) stone's throw; short distance
軌距 轨距 guǐ gauge
焦距 jiāo focal length
at a distance of; distance; to be apart
距離 距离 distance; to be apart
距狀皮層 距状皮层 zhuàng céng calcarine
偏差距離 偏差距离 piān chā offset distance
遙距教育 遥距教育 yáo jiào distance education
遠距離監視 远距离监视 yuǎn jiān shì off-site monitoring

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