Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
暗轉 暗转 àn zhuǎn blackout
不可逆轉 不可逆转 zhuǎn irreversible
檔案轉送 档案转送 dàng àn zhuǎn sòng file transfer
檔案轉送存取及管理 档案转送存取及管理 dàng àn zhuǎn sòng cún guǎn File Transfer, Access and Management; FTAM
地址的轉換 地址的转换 zhǐ de zhuǎn huàn address translation
二氫硫辛醯基乙醯基轉基酶 二氢硫辛醯基乙醯基转基酶 èr qīng liú xīn zhuǎn méi dihydrolipoyl transacetylase
反轉錄病毒 反转录病毒 fǎn zhuǎn bìng retrovirus
公轉 公转 gōng zhuǎi orbital revolution
好轉 好转 hǎo zhuǎn improve; take a turn for the better
核轉變 核转变 zhuǎn biàn nuclear transformation; nuclear transmutation
迴轉 迴转 huí zhuǎn revolve; rotate; rotation
可轉換同位素 可转换同位素 zhuǎn huàn tóng wèi fertile isotope
魔界轉生 魔界转生 jiè zhuǎn shēng Makai Tensho
匿名郵件轉發服務 匿名邮件转发服务 míng yóu jiàn zhuǎn anonymous remailer
逆轉 逆转 zhuǎn take a turn for the worse; deteriorate
逆轉錄酶 逆转录酶 zhuǎn méi reverse transcriptase
扭轉 扭转 niǔ zhuǎn reverse; turn around (an undesirable situation)
使轉向 使转向 shǐ zhuǎn xiàng divert
婉轉 婉转 wǎn zhuǎn persuasive
希爾伯特轉換 希尔伯特转换 ěr zhuǎn huàn Hilbert transform
旋轉 旋转 xuán zhuǎn whirl
旋轉餐廳 旋转餐厅 xuán zhuǎn cān tīng revolving restaurant
運轉 运转 yùn zhuǎn to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around
中轉站 中转站 zhōng zhuǎn zhàn hub (network equipment)
週轉 周转 zhōu zhuǎn (v) the exchange of money or items between groups and people; turnover
zhuǎn to convey; to forward (mail); to transfer; to turn; to shift
轉變 转变 zhuǎn biàn change; transform
轉播 转播 zhuǎn relay; broadcast (on radio or TV)
轉達 转达 zhuǎn pass on; convey; communicate
轉導 转导 zhuǎn dǎo transduction
轉道 转道 zhuǎn dào make a detour; go by way of
轉動 转动 zhuǎn dòng turn
轉動慣量 转动惯量 zhuǎn dòng guàn liáng moment of inertia
轉而 转而 zhuǎn ér (adv) conversely; but rather
轉告 转告 zhuǎn gào pass on; communicate; transmit
轉化 转化 zhuǎn huà change; transform
轉化生長因子 转化生长因子 zhuǎn huà shēng zhǎng yīn transforming growth factor
轉換 转换 zhuǎn huàn to transform; to change; to covert
轉機 转机 zhuǎn (take a) turn for the better
轉交 转交 zhuǎn jiāo (v) pass on to somebody else; carry and give to somebody else
轉口 转口 zhuǎn kǒu import
轉來轉去 转来转去 zhuǎn lái zhuǎn rove around
轉錄 转录 zhuǎn transcription
轉讓 转让 zhuǎn ràng transfer (technology, goods, etc.)
轉入 转入 zhuǎn change over to; shift to; switch to
轉身 转身 zhuǎn shēn (of a person) to turn round; to face about
轉世 转世 zhuǎn shì (Buddhist) reincarnation; (Buddhist) transmigration
轉送 转送 zhuǎn sòng transfer
轉彎 转弯 zhuǎn wān turn (around)
轉向 转向 zhuǎn xiàng change of direction; to change direction
轉眼 转眼 zhuǎn yǎn in a flash; in the blink of an eye; to glance
轉移 转移 zhuǎn shift; divert (investment, attention, etc.); migrate
轉用 转用 zhuǎn yòng adapt for use for another purpose
轉運 转运 zhuǎn yùn transportation; transfer
轉載 转载 zhuǎn zài (vt) reprint
轉帳 转帐 zhuǎn zhàng transfer money from|into an account
轉賬卡 转账卡 zhuǎn zhàng a debit card
轉折 转折 zhuǎn zhé (v) turning point; shift in the trend of events; (n) plot shift in a book
zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about
自轉 自转 zhuàn rotation

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