Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
閉門思過 闭门思过 mén guò shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes
不過 不过 guò only; merely; no more than; but; however; only
不過爾爾 不过尔尔 guò ěr ěr merely mediocre; just middling
不過意 不过意 guò be sorry; feel apologetic
擦肩而過 擦肩而过 jiān ér guò brief encounter; to brush past somebody
超過 超过 chāo guò to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip
超過限度 超过限度 chāo guò xiàn exceed
穿過 穿过 chuān guò to pass through
喘不過氣來 喘不过气来 chuǎn guò lái cannot breathe
錯過 错过 cuò guò (to) miss bus, plane, train etc.
打不過 打不过 bu guò not to be able to beat or defeat sb.; to be no match for
顛倒過來 颠倒过来 diān dǎo guò lái invert
度過 度过 guò spend; pass
渡過 渡过 guò to cross over; pass through
反過來說 反过来说 fǎn guò lái shuō on the other hand
改過 改过 gǎi guò to correct; to fix
工作過度 工作过度 gōng zuò guò overwork
guò (experienced action marker); to cross; to go over; to pass (time); to celebrate (a holiday); to live; to get along; (surname); excessively; too-
過不去 过不去 guò bu make life difficult for; embarrass; can't make it through
過程 过程 guò chéng course of events; process
過道 过道 guò dào aisle
過度 过度 guò exceeding; excessive; lavishly
過渡 过渡 guò transition; interim
過渡時期 过渡时期 guò shí transition
過度學習到的 过度学习到的 guò xué dào de overlearned
過多 过多 guò duō excessive
過份 过份 guò fèn unduly; excessive
過分 过分 guò fèn excessive; undue; overly
過份簡單化 过份简单化 guò fèn jiǎn dān huà oversimplification; oversimplify
過關 过关 guò guān pass a barrier; go through an ordeal; or pass a test
過后 过后 guò hòu (tw) after the event
過活 过活 guò huó live one's life; make a living
過獎 过奖 guò jiǎng to over-praise; to flatter
過境 过境 guò jìng transit; pass through a country's territory
過境簽證 过境签证 guò jìng qiān zhèng transit visa
過來 过来 guò lái to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of
過來 过来 guò lai to come over; to come up
過了五分鐘 过了五分钟 guò le fēn zhōng five minutes passed
過量 过量 guò liàng excess
過濾 过滤 guò to filter; filter
過敏 过敏 guò mǐn to be allergic; allergy
過敏性 过敏性 guò mǐn xìng anaphylaxis
過年 过年 guò nián celebrate the New Year
過期 过期 guò to be overdue; to exceed the time limit; expire (as in expiration date)
過去 过去 guò qu (in the) past; former; previous; to go over; to pass by
過山車 过山车 guò shān chē roller coaster
過剩 过剩 guò shèng surplus; excess
過失 过失 guò shī defect; fault
過時 过时 guò shí old-fashioned
過問 过问 guò wèn (v) take an interest in; get involved in
過氧化物 过氧化物 guò yǎng huà peroxide
過夜 过夜 guò (vi) overnight
過於 过于 guò too much; excessively
過載 过载 guò zài overload
過早 过早 guò zǎo premature; untimely; over-hasty (conclusion)
過早起爆 过早起爆 guò zǎo bào preinitiation
橫過 横过 héng guò traverse
後續的解釋過程 后续的解释过程 hòu de jiě shì guò chéng post-interpretive processes
花粉過敏 花粉过敏 huā fěn guò mǐn hay fever
悔過 悔过 huǐ guò regret; repent
疾馳而過 疾驰而过 chí ér guò swept past
結合過程 结合过程 jié guò chéng cohesive process(es)
經過 经过 jīng guò to pass; to go through; process; course
開發過程 开发过程 kāi guò chéng development process
路過 路过 guò pass by or through
掠過 掠过 lüè guò flit
難過 难过 nán guò feel sorry; be grieved
涉過 涉过 shè guò ford (a stream, river)
神經過敏 神经过敏 shén jīng guò mǐn jumpy; nervous; oversensitive
勝過 胜过 shèng guò excel
睡過頭 睡过头 shuì guò tóu oversleep
孫過庭 孙过庭 Sūn Guò tíng Sun Guoting
聽說過 听说过 tīng shuō guo to hear said
通過 通过 tōng guò by means of; through; via; to adopt; to pass through; to get through; to switch over
通過事後 通过事后 tōng guò shì hòu off-line
透過 透过 tòu guò through; via
為時過早 为时过早 wéi shí guò zǎo premature; too soon
研製過程 研制过程 yán zhì guò chéng manufacturing environment
映射過程 映射过程 yìng shè guò chéng mapping process
遠超過 远超过 yuǎn chāo guò (vt) outclass
越過 越过 yuè guò (v) overcome; rise above
在傳輸過程中 在传输过程中 zài chuán shū guò chéng zhōng while transmitting; during transmission
再好不過 再好不过 zài hǎo guò (phr) can't be better
祇不過 只不过 zhǐ guò it's just that ...
只不過幾年前 只不过几年前 zhǐ guò nián qián only a few years ago; just a few years ago
注意力缺陷過動症 注意力缺陷过动症 zhù quē xiàn guò dòng zhèng Attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

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