Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
avoid; shun; flee; escape; leave; to keep away; to leave; to hide
避彈坑 避弹坑 dàn kēng foxhole
避風 避风 fēng take shelter from the wind; lie low; stay away from trouble
避風處 避风处 fēng chù lee, windstop
避諱 避讳 huì taboo against using the personal names of emperors or one's elders
避開 避开 kāi avoid; evade; keep away from
避坑落井 kēng luò jǐng dodge a pit only to fall into a well; out of the frying pan into the fire
避雷器 léi lightning arrester
避雷針 避雷针 léi zhēn lightning rod
避免 miǎn to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from
避難所 避难所 nán suǒ refuge
避難 避难 nàn [take] refuge; seek (political, etc) asylum
避其銳氣擊其惰歸 避其锐气击其惰归 ruì duò guī avoid the enemy when he is fresh and strike him when he is tired and withdraws
避實就虛 避实就虚 shí jiù stay clear of the enemy's main force and; strike at his weak points
避暑 shǔ be away for the summer holidays; spend a holiday at a summer resort; prevent sunstroke
避暑山庄 shǔ shān zhuāng mountain resort
避稅 避税 shuì tax avoidance; tax evasion
避稅港 避税港 shuì gǎng tax haven
避嫌 xián avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion; avoid arousing suspicion
避孕 yùn contraception
避孕套 yùn tào condom
避孕藥 避孕药 yùn yào (n) oral contraceptive
避重就輕 避重就轻 zhòng jiù qīng avoid the important and dwell on the trivial; keep silent about major charges while admitting minor ones
不避艱險 不避艰险 jiān xiǎn shrink or flinch from no difficulty or danger; make light of difficulties and dangers
不可避免 miǎn unavoidably
躲避 duǒ shun
規避 规避 guī to evade; to dodge
回避 huí (v) evade; shun; avoid
迴避 huí avoid; sidestep; skirt (an issue)
緊急避難 紧急避难 jǐn nàn necessity
逃避 táo escape; evade; shirk
銅鑼灣避風塘 铜锣湾避风塘 Tóng luó wān fēng táng Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter
退避 tuì withdraw
吸血鬼之避世 xuè guǐ zhī shì Vampire: The Masquerade
吸血鬼之避世救贖 吸血鬼之避世救赎 xuè guǐ zhī shì jiù shú Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption
吸血鬼之避世血族 xuè guǐ zhī shì xuè Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

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