Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
出乎預料 出乎预料 chū liào unexpectedly
干預 干预 gān meddle; intervene
國防預算 国防预算 guó fáng suàn defense budget
疾病預防中心 疾病预防中心 bìng fáng zhōng xīn (U.S.) Center for Disease Control
美國疾病控制與預防中心 美国疾病控制与预防中心 Měi guó bìng Kòng zhì fáng Zhōng xīn Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
天氣預報 天气预报 tiān bào (n) weather forecast; weather report
to advance; in advance; beforehand; to prepare
預報 预报 bào forecast
預備 预备 bèi to prepare; to make ready; preparation; preparatory
預卜 预卜 foretell; predict
預測 预测 forecast; predict
預定 预定 dìng schedule in advance
預訂 预订 dìng (v) place an order; book ahead
預防 预防 fáng to prevent; to take precautions against; to protect; to guard against
預防措施 预防措施 fáng cuò shī protective step; protective measure
預付 预付 pay in advance
預告 预告 gào advance notice; herald
預計 预计 to forecast; predict; to estimate
預見 预见 jiàn (v) envision; foresee; (n) foresight; intuition
預警 预警 jǐng warning; early warning
預警系統 预警系统 jǐng tǒng early warning system
預科 预科 preparatory course (in college)
預覽 预览 lǎn preview
預料 预料 liào anticipate
預謀 预谋 móu (vt) premeditate
預期 预期 expect; expected
預期推理 预期推理 tuī predictive inference
預賽 预赛 sài (n) preliminary competition; (v) hold a preliminary competition
預示 预示 shì (vi) forebode; (vt) foreshadow; omen
預算 预算 suàn budget
預習 预习 to prepare a lesson
預先 预先 xiān beforehand; prior
預想 预想 xiǎng anticipate; expect
預選 预选 xuǎn (n) preelection; primary election
預言 预言 yán prophecy
預言家 预言家 yán jiā prophet
預演 预演 yǎn (n) dummy run; run-through; (vi) rehearse
預約 预约 yuē reservation; reserve
預兆 预兆 zhào omen; (med.) prognosis
預知 预知 zhī anticipate; foresee
預祝 预祝 zhù congratulate beforehand; offer best wishes for

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